Owe Neteller, what should I do?

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  • USFMD82
    • Apr 2007
    • 511

    Owe Neteller, what should I do?

    Hey everyone, I used to be a lurker at the older forum. Had a question figured id ask.

    I owe neteller a pretty good amount of money, I had the money and was ready to pay them, however by then they no longer accepted ban transfers. Then about a week or 2 later all that crazyness happened. I have not heard a thing from them in about 2 months, what should I do? I heard (not sure how reliable the source) that the FBI was investigating them or something
    Last Wager placed 01/11/09 - Loss
    Taking a sabbatical from wagering
  • Silver & Black
    Selig = IDIOT!!
    • Feb 2007
    • 884

    Personally, I pay my debts regardless of who they are to, and I expect that Netteller will be around for a long time, but if the circumstances that you're faced with make it impossible to do so, and you've exhausted all options in your attempts, I'm sure Kevin would take the donation in the "FIRST ANNUAL PREDICTEM.COM TOY DRIVE" hopefully coming in the fall.
    "A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives" Jackie Robinson


    • USFMD82
      • Apr 2007
      • 511

      Sorry I wasnt to clear, I have every intention of paying netteller the money I owe them, the problem is I am worried with all the problems and things going on with them if they would even process it, since it wouldnt be a direct deposit from my account, I would have to send them a money order (they wont even take a personal check) which makes me very uncomfortable having no paper trail to prove I paid my debt off, I am wonderign if I should wait until things clear for them adn they contact me again (the guy workign my account has not responded to any of my e-mails and i have sent a good 15 or so), which is another reason I am uneasy mailing them my money.

      I am not looking for someone to say I get out of jail free on this or anytihng Im wondering what you all think I should do as far as waiting on paying them, or trying to now.
      Last Wager placed 01/11/09 - Loss
      Taking a sabbatical from wagering


      • Kevin
        Red Hot and Rollin'
        • Feb 2007
        • 11875

        How do you owe neteller? Did you have an instant transfer bounce?

        As for now, I wouldnt send them anything. Their holding millions of dollars in players funds and not telling much about it.

        Hold it until later.


        • USFMD82
          • Apr 2007
          • 511

          This happened before christmas, I checked my bank account, I had the funds available, and I did a transfer from my account to netteller then directly into pinnacle (ahh the good ole days). Well, apparently my account became overdrawn due to purchases that had not hit the bank account yet (an organization waited about 3 months to cash a check I paid for my dues) and this caused the account to become overdrawn, and then the NSF Fees started to pile up on both sides. I told the guy handling my account I would have the money by mid January which I did, and when I received the money, I began trying to contact him again to pay my debt off, however, he did not return any e-mails. Then the whole arrests and this other weird stuff happening went down. I called them being unaware of the situation and talked to someone else, I offered a direct deposit from my account, and they said they no longer can do that, and I would have to send a money order. Then I asked what happened to the guy who had been working my account, he'd been on vacation (for a month and a half?). Then I get a email back from him a few days later, instructing me to send a money order, I write him back, expressing my worries of sending a money order, and asking for an alternate form to pay off my debt, and I have still not heard back from him now about 2-3 months later to today still haven't heard anything..

          It seems very shady to me, which is why I am afraid of sending my money to them to pay it off,now if it will even go through the proper channels, and be taken care of properly or will it be frozen and I will have no proof of paying it off..
          Last Wager placed 01/11/09 - Loss
          Taking a sabbatical from wagering


          • Kevin
            Red Hot and Rollin'
            • Feb 2007
            • 11875

            Id hold off until the smoke clears. Their holding 55 million of others peoples money or something like that.

            Until they fix that, dont send them a penny.


            • yankees07
              • Mar 2007
              • 59

              I'll jump on here because I've got a similar issue.

              Same thing happened at the begining of the year to me. Not a crazy amount. It's 2K. Last time I contacted them they had sent it to a canadian colelction agengcy, I agree with Kevin that until they let other people's money free then I've got an issue with them, but I don't know if a Canadiam collection agency could end up affecting my credit here.


              • USFMD82
                • Apr 2007
                • 511

                I thought I was bad off owing $500! Well, Yankee if this puts your mind at ease any, fearing the same thing as you, I just did (first ever) free annual credit report yesterday, and it made no mention of it (came back perfect yes!!) and since we have had the same issue for the same amount of time, it might be a good idea if we keep each other updated on this

                Havent heard of anything with a collection agency, the last email made a threat of it, however as mentioned all further attempt at contact has been fruitless with them.

                Here is the last I heard from them on Jan 24

                I sent around 15 emails after this email to them with no return...


                Your account still remains past due. Please call in immediately to arrange a payment on your account.

                I am here to help you resolve this matter.

                Please understand that all negative accounts that remain unpaid are going to be sent to a 3rd collection agency. There is also no guideline as to when they will be sent off. Please understand that we do wish to work with you on this but if no arrangement is made to pay, your account will not escape this action.

                Your account will be sent to a third party agency if you fail to contact me and arrange payment on this debt.

                CALL 1.866.775.3345 (TOLL FREE)


                For your information the methods of payments that we accept are as follows:

                1.Certified Check or Money Order made payable to NT Services. NO PERSONAL CHECKS PLEASE.

                It is highly recommended that you send your payment through Priority Mail. This will ensure your payment arrives, without potentially getting lost in the mail, and thus causing you to pay twice. As well, Neteller will pay the Priority Post mail fee, that you may simply deduct from the total balance you owe.
                Last Wager placed 01/11/09 - Loss
                Taking a sabbatical from wagering


                • gadfly36
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 6207

                  USFMD82, if you are worried about paying this debt the answer is right in their email " 1.Certified Check or Money Order made payable to NT Services. NO PERSONAL CHECKS PLEASE." If you get a certified check from your bank there is an easily tracked paper trail as to payment. Personally I would wait until all the hoopla dies down before paying since like Kevin said they're holding untold millions of peoples money. Whatever you do good luck.
                  mlb 2018 157-110 +42.74 2018
                  nfl 2018 54-79-1 -21.4 units 2018
                  mlb 2019 348-245-3 +70.2 units 2019
                  nfl 2019 54-54 -21.2 units 2019
                  mlb 2020 112-75-1 +33.35 units 2020
                  nfl 2020 88-87-3 -8.4 units 2021
                  mlb 2020 playoffs 30-17 +30.6 units 2020
                  nfl playoffs 2020 11-11-1 +25.4 units 2021
                  mlb 2021 271-226 +18.3 units 2021
                  mlb 2022 240-239 -62.9 units as of 10-21-2022
                  mlb 2023 122-103 -9.7 units 2023
                  mlb 2024 15-11 +2.7 units as of 4-13-2024


                  • Horfin
                    • Feb 2007
                    • 5885

                    When you decide to pay them off...

                    (1) Tell them you dispute the debt (if it is a collection agency use the language: "dispute the validity of the debt"

                    (2) Offer to settle for 40% of the debt ON THE CONDITION that it is a settlement of a disputed debt and it will not be reported to your credit and they will not report to the IRS that they wrote it off as a bad debt (this is income)

                    The longer it goes the better percentage of the full debt you will get it reduced to. Most companies will accept 80% right of the bat.


                    2021 NHL: (through 02/24/2021)
                    Sides: +17.4 units
                    Totals: +0 units
                    In Game (Not posted) -0.6 units
                    Parlay: -1.8

                    All 2021 NHL:+14.9 units


                    • USFMD82
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 511

                      That is really confusing to me, would I have to pay 100% of what I charged to them? could you go into more details
                      Last Wager placed 01/11/09 - Loss
                      Taking a sabbatical from wagering


                      • USFMD82
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 511

                        ^^ Will doing this affect my credit in any way? It sounds tempting but dishonest, I might see if I can talk them out of the NSF fees they charged me that accounts for a good $150. They kept going back and forth with my bank, charging my bank Id get the NSF fee on my bank end, then it woudl bounce back so Id get another NSF fee on their end... It was like a game of ping pong with my money (at that time my non-existant money) :blackeye: .

                        So, Kevin read in another thread an update was expected to come out around July 13th, Any news? My money is just sitting gaining interest to pay them back, but Im taking the advice and not paying them till the situation has blown over. But that money is looking increasingly tempting to take a dip in every other day :beerbang:
                        Last Wager placed 01/11/09 - Loss
                        Taking a sabbatical from wagering


                        • yankees07
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 59

                          just wanted to jump back in. I contacted Neteller a short while ago because I was having a problem contacting the collection agency that the account had been sent to. To be clear, I was able to contact them, however, they had no record of an account in my name or with the REF# neteller gave me. I called NetTeller back and ended up speaking to their collection manager. What he told me on the phone and I have the same thing in e-mail form from him it that, and I quote "We are not currently pursuing collection from US customers." He explained that unless something changed they are not collecting or even accepting funds from US customers so he told me to keep up to date on my e-mails in case something changed in coming months, but as of right now, they would not accept any money from me and did not consider it a debt at this time. Hope this helps.


                          • USFMD82
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 511

                            Quick Follow on to this, it has been a long time, I just ran my annual credit report and netteller does not show up on there, I have to this day over 2 years now not received any e-mail in regards to this money owed them either. I still want to pay my debt with them, but still in the same boat, the people that i was in contact with back then, their emails have not worked fro a very long time, so what would you all suggest, I must admit i have not put a huge amount of effort into this as its been on the back-burner, in the back of my mind. I does anyone know if the website that is at Netteller.com today is the same group that owned it before if so i will just contact them and see how to go about settling.
                            Last Wager placed 01/11/09 - Loss
                            Taking a sabbatical from wagering


                            • Kevin
                              Red Hot and Rollin'
                              • Feb 2007
                              • 11875

                              If nobody has contacted you for over two years about it, I'd just forget about it. If it burns your consicence, take that loot, go buy about 25 teddy bears and find a local shelter for battered women and make a donation. Those places are always hurting for resources and you'd be surprised how much change a teddy bear makes to a kid whose mom has to use this emergency service and the kid gets stuck in the middle of the crisis. More than you wanna know.

