Does anyone use Superbook?

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  • Dutch Goose
    • Mar 2007
    • 1194

    Does anyone use Superbook?

    I was wondering if any of you used Superbook as a online sportsbook? If so, have you received your checks in a proper time frame? I am still waiting for my mine and becoming a little skeptical and worried that something shady is going down.

    Any thoughts, concerns or information would be helpful.
  • Kevin
    Red Hot and Rollin'
    • Feb 2007
    • 11875


    They have been having processor issues. Its been going on for quite some time, almost an unacceptable length of time but word is that they've hooked up with some new ones and are getting payments out and are seriously backlogged.

    I have confirmation from an industry friend that people are starting to get checks but it may take a couple more weeks for them to process all the requests that had built up.

    That company has huge loot, so dont worry, they aint going anywhere.


    • Dutch Goose
      • Mar 2007
      • 1194

      K, thanks for the info Bro!


      • xHeroOfTheDayx
        *Toxic Shock Syndrome*
        • Feb 2007
        • 1542

        Thats good to hear, because I just made my first withdrawl about a week ago... Still haven't got a check yet.
        2010 NFL Football

        1-0 +$1,000

        2010 NCAA Football

        1-0 +$1,500


        68-16 +$18,429.12

        2010 WORLD CUP

        25-10 +$17,964.62


        • Livin tha Life
          Herb Vaping Member
          • Mar 2007
          • 148

          makes me feel better, got two checks in lue from
          Defense is the best Offense.


          • Livin tha Life
            Herb Vaping Member
            • Mar 2007
            • 148

            Originally posted by Kevin

            They have been having processor issues. Its been going on for quite some time, almost an unacceptable length of time but word is that they've hooked up with some new ones and are getting payments out and are seriously backlogged.

            I have confirmation from an industry friend that people are starting to get checks but it may take a couple more weeks for them to process all the requests that had built up.

            That company has huge loot, so dont worry, they aint going anywhere.
            Kevin....... does the same apply to Sportsbook . com in your opinion? the part about them having plenty of loot and being reliable....etc???
            Defense is the best Offense.


            • Moderator
              • Feb 2007
              • 19

     and Superbook are owned by the same outfit.


              • Dutch Goose
                • Mar 2007
                • 1194

                Has anyone received a check recently from either one of these companies is what I want to know??


                • Rhinestone Cowboy
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 84

                  I have still not been paid.... getting nervous.


                  • Kevin
                    Red Hot and Rollin'
                    • Feb 2007
                    • 11875

                    I've heard of guys getting paid. Their seriously backlogged. It could still be a couple weeks. Not the news you want to hear but better than worrying about the loot being a no show.


                    • Livin tha Life
                      Herb Vaping Member
                      • Mar 2007
                      • 148

                      well i guess all i can do is wait....but nothing yet.
                      Defense is the best Offense.


                      • BlazerAndy
                        Blazer Fan
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 584

                        Made my w/d request on sportsbook on march 27. Guy on live chat told me he'd make sure my check goes out sometime this week. It's for $1,000 so I'm obviously pretty anxious on receiving it. As for bank wire I was too afraid my bank would "investigate" it that's the way sportsbook worded it. Guy at sportsbook basically said that they can't use the bank anymore that they used to use everytime I had made a w/d in the past due to that stupid ******* gambling bill. At this point I'm waiting to receive that check before I make any more deposits in any books. My degenerate ass took my remaining balance back to zero so no betting for me until I get that check. Probably for the better anyway!! Honestly at this point I hope I receive the check before the Mayweather/De La Hoya fight or at least the NBA playoffs. Call me crazy but I wouldn't be surprised if sportsbook shuts down US operations in the future. I'm sure Kevin knows a hell of a lot more than I do but this seems pretty shady.
                        “So back during college basketball season my buddy Shecky tells me he’s got this system. He says it’s an absolute lock when you have this combination: Big East team, on the road, given less than 6 points with a white point guard.” ---Artie Lange in Beer League


                        • Kevin
                          Red Hot and Rollin'
                          • Feb 2007
                          • 11875

                          It alllllllll has to do with lack of processors out there. If you just put in a transaction, you may still be a ways out from receiving it. The guys that are getting paid had put in w/d's around mid march.

                          That tells me their paying and will continue to pay. Its not in their best interest to piss off customers. I expect all will be normal within a few weeks.


                          • Rhinestone Cowboy
                            • Mar 2007
                            • 84

                            I've got 2 requests for bank wires and 1 request for a check. I'm just trying to get the bulk of my money off so I don't have to worry anymore. Thanks for the info Kevin, and I will be sure to post when I receive a payment.


                            • Dutch Goose
                              • Mar 2007
                              • 1194

                              So if I made a withdrawal from superbook this week, when could I expect it by the latest you think Kevin?

