Payouts (Thumbs up)

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  • Kevin
    Red Hot and Rollin'
    • Feb 2007
    • 11875 Payouts (Thumbs up)

    We received word today from a credible source that he requested a w/d 8 days ago and it was received today via the courier option.

    Thats good news.
  • Vic Mackey
    • Mar 2007
    • 121

    I have made two in december and received both via courier is less then 7 days... they have also added a "my account" section that includes tracking numbers of withdrawals..

    a total turn around from where they were 3 months ago....


    • xHeroOfTheDayx
      *Toxic Shock Syndrome*
      • Feb 2007
      • 1542

      I can also confirm. Got the check in 4 days!
      2010 NFL Football

      1-0 +$1,000

      2010 NCAA Football

      1-0 +$1,500


      68-16 +$18,429.12

      2010 WORLD CUP

      25-10 +$17,964.62


      • immauser
        • Sep 2009
        • 8

        Originally posted by Vic Mackey
        I have made two in december and received both via courier is less then 7 days... they have also added a "my account" section that includes tracking numbers of withdrawals..

        a total turn around from where they were 3 months ago....
        i get my checks once a month for free and once i request it, i get it no later then 4-5 days at most... they use to be a bad book , but now they have shaped up ALOT...recommended place if you want quick payouts. :thumbs:


        • jwile20vt
          • May 2007
          • 28

          Originally posted by immauser
          i get my checks once a month for free and once i request it, i get it no later then 4-5 days at most... they use to be a bad book , but now they have shaped up ALOT...recommended place if you want quick payouts. :thumbs:

          I Saw this was a Old thread but I wanted to thank you for this recent post , due to finances ( like most ) I haven't been able to make too many real plays ... some just on pen and paper but nothing online for cash and I have been worried because of money these days if was still alright I know they had a bad stint but when I first joined awhile back it wasn't bad . They were quick then I'm glad to here there shaping up to be the same way again .

          Thanks again big time :thumbs:


          • Kevin
            Red Hot and Rollin'
            • Feb 2007
            • 11875

            The past issues that "them" and many other sportsbooks have had hasn't really been due to lack of funds or poor management, it's been check processing companies.

   is very well funded.


            • jwile20vt
              • May 2007
              • 28

              Originally posted by Kevin
              The past issues that "them" and many other sportsbooks have had hasn't really been due to lack of funds or poor management, it's been check processing companies.

     is very well funded.

              Awesome :thumbs: I'm pretty excited because I have already been setup with them so It makes it easier to just kinda slip back in to make a few plays . Thanks again for all the info guys , Again this site is Great , Ive read some on sportsbook reviews but I have been a lurker on here for a bit and trust the opinion on here ALOT

              Anyways , thanks again

