Opinions.. Poker/Sportsbook hybrid or keep them seperate?

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  • USFMD82
    • Apr 2007
    • 511

    Opinions.. Poker/Sportsbook hybrid or keep them seperate?

    I have since july come to enjoy Texas Hold'em poker, and I have a naccount with Bodog, that has 0 money as I only use play money on it.

    so my question is do you all prefer a hybrid Where both Sportsbook/Casino/Live action poker is available where you could literally win big on game day then go play in the poker room with your money you just won.

    Or do you think it is best to keep these sites separated?

    What are some pros and cons you could think of?

    What in your opinion is the best hybrid site out there (going on reputation Id assume Bodog, but now im iffy with them due to the recent events) So in the category or Credit Card acceptance, Payouts, always people at the tables, what do you think are the good hybrids?
    Last Wager placed 01/11/09 - Loss
    Taking a sabbatical from wagering
  • Kevin
    Red Hot and Rollin'
    • Feb 2007
    • 11875

    I absolutley LOVE sports betting sites that have poker rooms and ONLINE CASINOS that have poker rooms.

    My reasons:

    1. Sports betting guys often times go and play poker after the games are over. These players dillute the quality of player. Bodog has OODLES of fish compared to a sharp poker room like poker stars.

    2. Casinos with poker rooms are even better. Casinos are full of players who are used to facing crappy odds and expect to lose. These are GAMBLERS. These players will tend to keep that GAMBLING mentality in poker which means if your tight, you can make some big bucks against these guys.

    Simply put, their used to losing and gamble more for entertainment than to win money. If your an astute tight player only acting on GOOD starting hands, you can clean up if your patient.


    • USFMD82
      • Apr 2007
      • 511

      So you still reccomend Bodog, I thought they were risky with the stuff thats been going on.. But they do have a lot of people, its kind of like poker is their main source spOrts is second .. problem is im prolly the fish still, im not very good yet
      Last Wager placed 01/11/09 - Loss
      Taking a sabbatical from wagering


      • Kevin
        Red Hot and Rollin'
        • Feb 2007
        • 11875

        Be sure to stick in the microlimits then (until your better)

        Bodog isnt any more risky than any other online book.


        • USFMD82
          • Apr 2007
          • 511

          Thanks for the input.. Now I just need to determine what book/poker site I wanna go to It seems bodog is the big player in the Hybrid, however, these other two sites seem to offer alot as well. can you give me an idea which you think I should go with? IM not a huge bettor, and I will likely play small limit games, perhaps indulging in a tournament every now and then, I assume all these have tournaments to win a spot on the WPT

          So I have it down to


          I guess aside form that Id like it to be rather easy to deposit and withdrawal, as I know bodog you have some hoops to jump throuhg faxing your card number and all that, but then again being the biggest perhaps they are the most secure (that goes back to my thoughts about with the recent trouble they had)

          Thanks in advance for your feedback
          Last Wager placed 01/11/09 - Loss
          Taking a sabbatical from wagering


          • USFMD82
            • Apr 2007
            • 511

            I have decided to go with sports book.com, is there any type of code I put into the site when signing up so you guys get a referral or something?

            also does anyone know if they slap you with a CC fee or a WD fee, and what ar ethe options when WD?
            Last Wager placed 01/11/09 - Loss
            Taking a sabbatical from wagering


            • Kevin
              Red Hot and Rollin'
              • Feb 2007
              • 11875

              Dont quote me on this, but I dont think theres any fees on the deposit.

              I think there may be a 25 dollar w/d fee.

              Re: Us getting credit for the signup. Simply sign up through any link on ths site. They all have codes in them that activate when you click on them and sign up. Thanks!


              • USFMD82
                • Apr 2007
                • 511

                Ok, I just registered, and Deposited (Went through flawlessly on Credit) But I didn't see anywhere where you were given credit for the sign up, I did link there directly from this site.. was ti not something I would of noticed?

                I will try it on my PDA later on.. but It is very frame intensive.. not many Books seem to offer PDA compatibility, I remember Pinnacle, I could use theirs easily because of the low frames I guess
                Last Wager placed 01/11/09 - Loss
                Taking a sabbatical from wagering


                • USFMD82
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 511

                  Wow, you weren't kidding about the "Fish", I wont the NE game and then went into the poker rooms, and I was up $80 (off of $20 in 1/2 limit) in like 15 minutes it was like I couldn't stop winning.

                  Then some one starting calling me stupid and that im just getting lucky and it was distracting me and I lost about 20 so I cashed out. I hate people talking crap like that, so I made sure to thank him for his money when I left.
                  Last Wager placed 01/11/09 - Loss
                  Taking a sabbatical from wagering


                  • Kevin
                    Red Hot and Rollin'
                    • Feb 2007
                    • 11875

                    If you click on the links on this site to sign up at any sportsbook, it will track back to us.

                    The clickable links have "trackers" in them.



                    • Horfin
                      • Feb 2007
                      • 5885


                      I really liked (past tense) bodog becaue the sports account and the poker account were within the same company. I used to get pissed to have money with a place and not be able to play poker without either (a) making a new deposit or (b) being charged to w/d and then re-doposit. I just stopped using bodog cause they pissed me off about something.

                      I only play poker at sites where my book and poker are co-mingled.


                      2021 NHL: (through 02/24/2021)
                      Sides: +17.4 units
                      Totals: +0 units
                      In Game (Not posted) -0.6 units
                      Parlay: -1.8

                      All 2021 NHL:+14.9 units

