NFL A JOKE!!!!!!!

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  • rawhide
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2007
    • 1420

    NFL A JOKE!!!!!!!

    Sorry ahead of time...I never go here.

    But what I saw today was UNACCEPTABLE.

    To me it was OBVIOUS that the head ref in the AZ game was a homer!! or play the +2.5...

    Funny cuz I told my wife this in the 1h refs want AZ to win, and then the fumble call in the 4Q was almost enough for me to stop betting NFL.

    That was an obvious catch by KC for a TD it again its UNREAL!!!!!:puke:
    Ya gotta look out for #1 or your gonna step in #2
    -Rodney Dangerfield
  • Reggie Hamlin
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2008
    • 1135

    I agree that was a catch I have direct TV Tivo and I super slow moed it and it was a catch how they ruled that a fumble is a mystery I can understand human error but that was blatant it has been a very weird year IMO
    NFL 8-5 + 5.97

    The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.


    • Stifler's Mom
      • Feb 2007
      • 8541

      dude, I couldn't agree more.

      the nfl is nothing but a popularity contest and a money machine. whoever brings the best storyline to Joe P and the most cash for the nfl, gets the calls when it really counts.

      think about this....the Patriots and whoever P Manning has played for have been contenders for like 15+ straight years. doesn't matter what other scrubs they plug in around them, they win. year, after year, after year. then think of the great dynasties of the past, when the nfl wasn't a greedy money grubbing pile of ****, but was actually about competition. just pick one. how long did they contend and win? 5 years? 6? then it was at the very least a few down or rebuilding seasons. yet these guys now are so much more spectacular that they have 11, 12 + win seasons and win their divisions year in and year out.

      manning vs Brady bowl #32 coming up in just a few weeks. it's a big money maker, you know....


      • Reggie Hamlin
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2008
        • 1135

        the NFL sucks .
        NFL 8-5 + 5.97

        The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.


        • justabrake
          • Jul 2007
          • 932

          After Denver Broncos running back C.J. Anderson scored against the Buffalo Bills, two officials very clearly bumped fists.

          If you're a Bills fan or player, that's not what you want to see after a 24-17 loss.

          There's no way that two officials (line judge John Hussey and umpire Carl Paganelli, as identified by the Associated Press' Eddie Pells) were celebrating a Broncos score in broad daylight, but Buffalo defensive back Aaron Williams was not amused.


          • Kevin
            Red Hot and Rollin'
            • Feb 2007
            • 11867

            I've seen a ton of replays this year where they took 2-3 minutes to make a call go the wrong way as well. I've seen some morbid SPOTS as well.

            Even funnier, the guys in the booth saw it too.

            It's not just football either. I saw some really bad calls in baseball as well. Sickening!


            • Tony Truong
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2007
              • 2288

              NFL is unreal

              Like my thought are all player and Referee on the field are ACTOR . The Coach and the BOOT are Director of the Movies ! . So my pick BASE on the money trend .Not real play . LOL.
              GOOD LUCK TO ALL .


              • Stifler's Mom
                • Feb 2007
                • 8541

                Bills unhappy with the referees in Broncos game - Sporting News

                unfortunately as a bills fan, seeing this type of nonsense has become far too common. I've sat in the stands at games with no national tv coverage, and very little espn/other sports media outlet coverage and watched the bills raped by the referees ensuring they would have no real chance to either mount comebacks, have a successful game winning (or stopping one) drive, or close out tight games they were winning.

                I remember the year Pittsburgh beat Seattle in the super bowl....holy ****, they were helped by every penalty in the book on that playoff run, including in the super bowl. the nfl needed one of its big money makers to return to glory.

                you say something, you get labeled as a crybaby. but the nfl favoritism is there, and if you open your eyes, you can't miss it.

                i'm glad players are speaking out. maybe it will get it noticed and corrected.

                and they use that "inconclusive" bull**** on reviews they don't want to over turn, even when sometimes it's clear as day the call on the field was wrong.

                it's all like wwf, whoever will bring in the money, gets the push


                • saidzeppelin
                  Flight Instructor
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 83

                  I have a great deal of respect for all the people commenting but this "conspiracy" theory concept is tough to digest.

                  The SeaHags won last year and Baltimore the year before. Neither a "major market" team. The NFL has every reason to want the underdog to win as it builds a sense of "any team can win" and thus perpetuates the popularity of the brand.

                  I agree a lot of calls suck but that is not new and not any conspiracy I can wrap my feeble mind around IMHO.
                  " Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid!" -John Wayne


                  • saidzeppelin
                    Flight Instructor
                    • Mar 2007
                    • 83

                    Let me follow up by saying that "refs on the take" is not only possible but already proven, so from that perspective I can absolutely agree.
                    " Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid!" -John Wayne

