2008 Election

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  • JohnnyMapleLeaf
    • Feb 2007
    • 8456

    Originally posted by homedawg

    On a side note Johnny, I have spent the last couple days replacing many parts on my truck & wifey's car
    Every part has Made in Canada on the box.
    I retired from the auto repair business a few years back and it was more common then to find parts
    Made in China Philippines Mexico etc...
    I use to run into many problems with those parts.
    These parts were all well manufactured, oem quality & design, direct install with no problems at all.
    1 of the parts I replaced was the fuel tank on my truck, It even has Made In Canada, along with a Mapleleaf, stamped into the tank. I'm not sure why? But I will be more at ease parking my truck anywhere from now on, without any concern, that someone will crawl under my truck and poke a hole in my tank to steal my gas, because as soon as they see that Mapleleaf, they will run!

    Beer, Hockey, Donuts, Maple Syrup, Bacon & Gastanks :beerbang:


    • homedawg
      • Feb 2007
      • 7689

      Originally posted by JohnnyMapleLeaf
      Beer, Hockey, Donuts, Maple Syrup, Bacon & Gastanks :beerbang:
      Don't forget:



      • JohnnyMapleLeaf
        • Feb 2007
        • 8456

        Originally posted by homedawg
        Don't forget:

        My favourite! Although we call it "rye"... :beerbang:


        • Q-Unit
          Offensive Coordinator
          • Feb 2007
          • 5180

          Originally posted by FlyersFan
          LMAO....at dan and Q for calling out fox for being to the right....:laughing:

          if you haven't noticed they are the only media outlet that isn't left of the far left....you liberals have about 99% of the media pandering to Obama
          lol no shyt man, I don't watch CNN or Foxnews, bout the only thing I watch anymore is Daily Show or Colbert Report for humor, they try their best to be even in who they make fun of, but they have underlying liberal views. But my point was foxnews gets quite a bit of coverage from "comedians" doing political bits and they're an easy target, sometimes I will watch them for a minute and it seems crazy how they would spin something to the right and say they are "fair and balanced". Thats a recent thing, for I have stopped watching CNN or NBC or any other news liberal or conservative.

          For my part I try to stay informed from AP feeds on the internet, or Bloomberg, or even CNN Headline News where I can get top stories "theoretically" just what I need to know whats going on.

          Originally posted by FlyersFan

          So Q here is a question for you. You seem very bothered by conservatives...i can see it in the tone of your post. Why are you a liberal?
          Well FF, I remember I asked you the same question only if that you were a Conservative. You had good answer and I respected your views/beliefs and if anything understood why you feel that way especially seeing as your situation professionally/geologically, etc...

          As for me its simple man.

          1) yes I am pretty young, not a student anymore but looking to return to grad school, I work for the government though I don't do anything important but it is a good solid job lol. Nothing like BP where I get to pack some heat LOL. So no arguments on the world experience there, it makes sense that other than race predominantly, party line support is split by age. Your younger voters will lean more towards Obama rather than McCain. Not all. but statistically speaking right? But dont get me wrong, its a factor but not a sole reason why I would be sour on McCain.

          2) I am not a liberal. If anything although it sounds cliched, I am neither and am also just sick of politics in general. Though we are blessed with the freedoms we have and the right to change out a leader/leadership every 4-8 years, I nor anyone don't have to like the system or the lying corrupt A-holes who run it.

          3) I am just contrarian man if thats even a word lol, devil's advocate if you will. I am willing to bet as much as I am allowed that if I lived in California, or New York I would be sick of the constant Liberal propaganda. I mean its just that simple. I was born and raised in Texas, I grew up in West Texas which is as conservative as you can get. I never said there was anything wrong with being conservative, its just my nature (and I have to say some others too) to automatically zone out the "status quo" and conformity of the political climate here and lean towards the other side.

          However I really do try to be objective because its obvious both parties are inept self righteous selfish egomaniacal backstabbing lying (insert more political slander here lol) bunch of fools.

          My tone sounds irritating towards the conservatives only because it is all in my face up here. I can imagine what you see in Cali. I guarantee you I would be tired of hippie tree hugging socialist crap if thats all I see if I lived in California.

          It has to be human nature, throughout history and what not, people by nature are rebels and revolutionaries at heart even if its not noticeable.

          I mean from example the last election, I did not want to revote for Bush but I thought Kerry was a total D-bag, but you know what? If memory serves correctly Kerry garnered 40% of the votes in Texas. 40%!!!! thats pretty damn good for a mofo who did little if no campaigning at all in Bush's backyard. So who's fault is that? the dumbass Democrats, thats just a strategic error and ignorance to not research your foe and basically just throw in the towel when if he just had a few trips to Texas, we'd be looking at a different result. Not to say life would be better with Kerry but can you guarantee me that? No one can predict the future, and in hindsight everything looks like the fat chick after 12 beers whatever that means lol.

          So no man, I am in no way allied with a certain philosophy or political view. I totally understand why you would think that, but like how you explained to me why you're not a GOPer but you lean that way right now (business, ethics, etc...), I come off this way because of

          a) where I live, and with all the bombardment I am exposed to it was only natural I question the gospel that is conservatism in these parts lol.

          b) the only forum(s) I happen to frequent are predominantly GOP supporters and as JML said, there are plenty of other sides being presented at other sites, but I only come to a couple gambling sites with my main one here, (hey I want my gambling info here, and I like the people here its a home away from home so who cares if its ironic I dabble in politics here too lol).

          So ultimately I had to ask those questions above!

          *HD, you know you da man and just because two people differ on opinions does not mean they can't be buddies. You know I respect your views and thoughts, and yes I took some subliminal shots at your funny links and photos lol, but thats your thing man, links and photos, its not just limited to McCainiac advertisements

          No disrespect whatsoever and if anything I wouldn't think you would blindly post anything important without background knowledge although I knows you likes to stir things up around here :beer2:
          Last edited by Q-Unit; 08-22-2008, 04:46 PM.

          "Schooly D is fat cake yo."
          -Big Pimpin-


          • Q-Unit
            Offensive Coordinator
            • Feb 2007
            • 5180

            Originally posted by FlyersFan
            It's really scary to think that people could actually be for more government in our lives, socialism and the overall dumbing of america. There are flaws in both parties but wow.....there is still one that is a better choice than another.
            yeah see thats why I can honestly say I am not a liberal. I don't want more government in my life.

            but you can't pin the donkey to the tail (haha it works here!) saying only Liberals do that? Maybe that online gambling bill that made it illegal doesn't affect the majority of America, but it affected me and everyone in this forum and that pissed me off, still does. It wasn't a liberal who drafted it, but a self righteous mofo who thinks he knows whats best for my hard earned money? And he didn't do it in the light of day, but rather sneaking that shyt through right?

            Does that prove anything? NO. My point was only for every one offense a Donkey does, the Elephant shyts in equal amounts.

            Here's a question for everyone who cares to answer, and please feel free to answer! LOL

            Who all here drinks? I mean drinks beer, liquor, etc...

            Did you know in my hometown in West Texas, we've been dry since the day I started 1st grade until last year when a vote of 35-30 (I made that number up but its was that close) made us wet. (figuratively, literally, and pervertedly LOL)

            What does this mean? That in the 21st century I have a bunch of Bible (the Good Book, I was Lutheran now, no disrespect) thumpers still telling me they think I shouldn;t drink.


            A) they do it at their private posh country club all the time, they just don't want anyone else doing it.

            B) they argue its morality when basically they're saying if you want beer, drive 60 miles to get it, and drive back drunk (thats your own fault if you do that, but you know what I mean). you shouldn't drive drunk at all, but tell me whats more dangerous, driving an hour distance drunk, or a few minutes even if both are inherently stupid and reckless?

            And you know what the billboards said leading up to the vote? "Save OUR youth". How lame is that? that slogan was not only inaccurate but stupid. I mean the drinking age limit is what 21? 21 year olds are not youths. And if you were any red blooded American growing up, you drank before you were 21 years old, you seemed to turn out alright. Am I right? If a kid wants beer he's gonna get it. Would you rather your "youth"get their beer from their older brothers who can go out to Wal-Mart and get a six pack, or do you want them driving an hour to some shack in the middle of the cornfields and buy it from some shady character named Larry Cletus Joe who's in the middle of fcking his bucktoothed cousin Sally Joe Larry? (no offense Larry the Moderator of Michigan fame lol, I just actually knew a guy named Larry Cletus).

            and before I get any riffs about where I grew up, who cares, I had to live where I do due to where my dad chose to work, and start his own business as well. I love West Texas, I love West Texas football, and I am a well-traveled person so just because I couldn't go to the bank on Fridays because they closed for the big High School football game LOL, does not make me a mayonnaise sandwich eating fcking they sista redneck!

            They try to send a moral message telling you what to do with your life or how you spend your free time when the rest of the country has their right to buy alcohol at the local supermarket or gas station. Instead bootleggers rich off of business line the pockets of these self righteous a-holes and we've been dry for decades.

            Does that make me sick of conservatives? yes. Does that make me a liberal? no. Show me some Liberals where I live and I'll be sick of them too LOL.

            so my point is, it seems like BOTH sides are prone to telling us what to do, hence big government. Democrats seemingly do it more, but that doesn't absolve the Republicans.

            :beer2: :beerbang: :puke: :beer2:
            Last edited by Q-Unit; 08-22-2008, 04:48 PM.

            "Schooly D is fat cake yo."
            -Big Pimpin-


            • homedawg
              • Feb 2007
              • 7689

              Settle down Q :beerbang:

              The word of the day:


              The condition of being young. growing. Young, youthful, juvenile all refer to lack of age. Young is the general word for that which is undeveloped, immature, and in process of growth.

              The youth are currently trying to get the Legal drinking age to 18.

              Last edited by homedawg; 08-22-2008, 05:19 PM.


              • Q-Unit
                Offensive Coordinator
                • Feb 2007
                • 5180

                Originally posted by homedawg
                Settle down Q :beerbang:

                The word of the day:


                The condition of being young. growing. Young, youthful, juvenile all refer to lack of age. Young is the general word for that which is undeveloped, immature, and in process of growth.

                The youth are currently trying to get the Legal drinking age to 18.

                lol actually im very calm, just stating my thoughts. ask a stupid question, get a long drawn out pointless answer from me :beerbang:

                "Schooly D is fat cake yo."
                -Big Pimpin-


                • dananderson32
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2007
                  • 2748

                  for being conservative and wanting less government in their lives sure seems they want the gov't to ban gay marriage, want prayer in public schools, want the death penalty in every state but for being people who want less and smaller gov't in their lives they sure want the gov't to do a lot of different things
                  ****all plays 4.4 units to win 4 units unless otherwise noted****

                  NBA 20-22 -16.8 units
                  NHL 1-0 +4.0 units
                  MLB 0-1 -4.8 units
                  CFB 12-6-1 +21.6 units


                  • homedawg
                    • Feb 2007
                    • 7689

                    Originally posted by dananderson32
                    for being conservative and wanting less government in their lives sure seems they want the gov't to ban gay marriage, want prayer in public schools, want the death penalty in every state but for being people who want less and smaller gov't in their lives they sure want the gov't to do a lot of different things
                    The next word of the day:


                    a term used to describe political philosophies that favour tradition, where tradition refers to various religious, cultural, or nationally defined beliefs and customs.



                    • dananderson32
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2007
                      • 2748

                      conservative = status quo these right wing fanatics some how believe its wrong that gays can't marriage cause its against the word of the Bible when in fact if you dig and do a little research there is convincing evidence that those close to Jesus and possibly Jesus himself partook in same sex relationships but these right wing so called "conservatives" fail to recognize the evidence. I know this doesn't speak for all republicans, but the hypocrisy (sp?) on this wing of political thinking is unreal
                      Last edited by dananderson32; 08-22-2008, 08:44 PM.
                      ****all plays 4.4 units to win 4 units unless otherwise noted****

                      NBA 20-22 -16.8 units
                      NHL 1-0 +4.0 units
                      MLB 0-1 -4.8 units
                      CFB 12-6-1 +21.6 units


                      • homedawg
                        • Feb 2007
                        • 7689

                        Originally posted by dananderson32
                        conservative = status quo


                        • homedawg
                          • Feb 2007
                          • 7689

                          Originally posted by dananderson32
                          conservative = status quo these right wing fanatics some how believe its wrong that gays can't marriage cause its against the word of the Bible when in fact if you dig and do a little research there is convincing evidence that those close to Jesus and possibly Jesus himself partook in same sex relationships but these right wing so called "conservatives" fail to recognize the evidence. I know this doesn't speak for all republicans, but the hypocrisy (sp?) on this wing of political thinking is unreal
                          Here is a good answer for you!

                          <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/02CPmCSCSO8&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/02CPmCSCSO8&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

                          we can agree to disagree! :beerbang:

                          BTW, this had nothing to do with my decision! :thumbs:


                          • dananderson32
                            Senior Member
                            • Feb 2007
                            • 2748

                            Originally posted by homedawg
                            Here is a good answer for you!

                            <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/02CPmCSCSO8&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/02CPmCSCSO8&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

                            we can agree to disagree! :beerbang:

                            BTW, this had nothing to do with my decision! :thumbs:
                            1st of all i agree 3000% with what Ellen is saying and thats exactly how i feel, 2nd of all you can tell just by looking at McCain and his body language that hes not against gay marriage but obviously he can't come out and say that or else that would equal doom for him in the upcoming election and i consider myself to be very socially liberal far more than fiscally but i really can not see where people can argue against gay marriage possibly abortion and the death penalty but as for gay marriage come on people its the 21st century stop trying to live as if its 32 A.D.
                            ****all plays 4.4 units to win 4 units unless otherwise noted****

                            NBA 20-22 -16.8 units
                            NHL 1-0 +4.0 units
                            MLB 0-1 -4.8 units
                            CFB 12-6-1 +21.6 units


                            • homedawg
                              • Feb 2007
                              • 7689

                              I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              God created humans "male and female" and commands them to "be fruitful and multiply."

                              Last edited by homedawg; 08-22-2008, 09:14 PM.


                              • homedawg
                                • Feb 2007
                                • 7689

                                Is gay marriage right? no
                                Do we accept it? yes


