2008 Election

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  • Q-Unit
    Offensive Coordinator
    • Feb 2007
    • 5184

    2008 Election

    at first glance I see two things that stand out in my mind.

    1) McCain supporters (here at predictem, on the internet, on TV, etc..) for the most part are not telling me or anyone why McCain would be great candidate but instead constantly attacking Obama. Other than McCain himself on the occasional public speech campaign, no one is addressing what McCain should/could do in the White House.

    Instead of stating and solidifying his positions/political beliefs, why is he and his supporters hellbent on this smear tactic/campaign against Obama? Why can't they campaign their man, worry about their shyt and when the debates come, let the mudslinging fly because thats what they're for.

    To me are all these anti-obama slogans, posters, pictures, links, etc.. are concerted efforts to hide the fact that the GOP's candidate is inept?

    I mean if your product is good, it'll sell itself right? No need to resort to cheap tactics. Its like those commercials that pimp their products, saying something like, "So-and-so car is a good car, it has better crash test rating and resell value than Toyota". Toyota on the other hand just pimps their car in their commercials without comparison to their competitors because they know they're no. 1.

    I only cite Toyota because in fact right now they are the top of their class in terms of success right, and if anyone dares questions my patriotism because I mention a foreign car instead of GM or Ford, then THAT is exactly my point. Are Americans that dumb, arrogant and unwilling to adapt/change that trivial crap supersede real successful progress? (if this rant sounds a little over the top, its not its what I really would be hearing if I walked outside my po-dunk Texas town and declared my "love" affair for Toyota Motors, and subsequently I will be beaten and hung by hardcore GM/Ford supporters driving their SUVs and trucks btching about gas prices! LOL

    Are McCain's supporters so hell bent on NOT voting for Obama that they have adopted the "lesser of two evils" approach in voting?

    What are they afraid of?

    2) Obama and the Democrats must think they have this in the bag because they seem too confident, and lackadaisical in their efforts imo.

    Even with some of the ridiculous smear tactics by his opponents that any "rational" person could see through as nothing more than political mudslinging which are not true nor hold any water, this guy still seems to have an awful lot of skeletons in his closet or shyt that seems to keep popping up.

    Maybe McCain's people are really good at digging up stuff lol.

    I dont know, I am not satisfied with either candidates to be honest and its amazing how decisively people are split down party lines. As long as I've been alive its always been one landslide after another with varying different parties dominating (ok about 3-4 in my lifetime, the first 2 I wasn't old enough to comprehend), but the last two have been weirdly closely split 50% with narrow victories for Bush against Gore and Kerry.

    *I have to ask though, and someone please give me a good answer. Here in Texas we are constantly bombarded with Conservative/GOP views/propaganda, and we might be the last state in the Union that Dubya could set foot in without being egged or shot at (exaggerating of course but you get what I'm saying). So I am used to hearing anti-Gore, anti-Kerry, anti-Clinton, anti-Obama shyt.

    But looking online, sites like predictem (a gambling forum as JML would say lol), other forums, FOXnews (thats a stupid example cuz they are obviously one sided even if they won't officially admit to it), is the rest of the country like this? are the other states like this?

    by like this, I mean all the negative shyt I've seen or read is always attacking, blaming or berating the Democrats or anyone associated with them. I hardly ever see vice versa.

    Does that mean GOPers are more aggressive? quick to petty insults, blame, and that Democrats are lazy and stupid? lol I really hardly see Democrats do this, maybe they're just lazy and dumb and/or pushovers. Or maybe they don't know how to use the internet lol.

    if anyone can OBJECTIVELY answer this question I would appreciate it!
    Last edited by Q-Unit; 08-21-2008, 09:34 PM.

    "Schooly D is fat cake yo."
    -Big Pimpin-
  • Q-Unit
    Offensive Coordinator
    • Feb 2007
    • 5184

    I mean the best example is in this subforum alone.

    on first glance, I would have to say 90% of the political threads started are threads attacking Obama and/or the democrats.

    this means:

    a) democrats choose not to post, there are hardly any members with liberal views

    b) conservatives are more prevalent in voicing their views, only their views that they disapprove of the opposite views.

    I'm a devil's advocate contrarian by nature so assuredly if nothing but Liberal propaganda is splayed across this board, then I would be asking the same question only about Democrats lol.

    then again I don't watch CNN or other liberal news outlets and everyone in Texas swears by FOXNEWs so maybe thats why lol.

    "Schooly D is fat cake yo."
    -Big Pimpin-


    • dananderson32
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2007
      • 2748

      well for starters fox news is no good IMO but than again im a liberal, as for the anti-dem talk in Texas that doesn't come as any shock as for new york where i live you will never really see a presidential candidate, campaign anytime soon because this state goes democrat every 4 years. As for the smeering on both sides thats your politics for you in america and why so many people especially from the younger generations are so turned off by the process. Objectively speaking though it does seem to be far more smearing from the McCain side, as it was four years ago when the bush campaign swift boated kerry and the 527's ripped kerry apart, and used the fear angle on the soccer moms that another 9/11 could happen and that bush would keep you safe and kerry couldn't, well that worked for the rep. and we obviously aren't better than we were four years ago, but than again the soccer moms are easy naive prey.
      ****all plays 4.4 units to win 4 units unless otherwise noted****

      NBA 20-22 -16.8 units
      NHL 1-0 +4.0 units
      MLB 0-1 -4.8 units
      CFB 12-6-1 +21.6 units


      • JohnnyMapleLeaf
        • Feb 2007
        • 8456

        Originally posted by Q-Unit
        McCain supporters (here at predictem, on the internet, on TV, etc..) for the most part are not telling me or anyone why McCain would be great candidate but instead constantly attacking Obama. Other than McCain himself on the occasional public speech campaign, no one is addressing what McCain should/could do in the White House.

        Instead of stating and solidifying his positions/political beliefs, why is he and his supporters hellbent on this smear tactic/campaign against Obama? Why can't they campaign their man, worry about their shyt and when the debates come, let the mudslinging fly because thats what they're for.

        To me are all these anti-obama slogans, posters, pictures, links, etc.. are concerted efforts to hide the fact that the GOP's candidate is inept?

        I mean if your product is good, it'll sell itself right? No need to resort to cheap tactics.
        lol....ya think? :laughing:

        It's easier to smear with untruths, scare tatcics and photoshopped stickers...I just can't believe some are falling for it for a third straight election...
        "fool me once"
        Last edited by JohnnyMapleLeaf; 08-22-2008, 08:38 AM.


        • JohnnyMapleLeaf
          • Feb 2007
          • 8456

          Originally posted by Q-Unit
          I mean the best example is in this subforum alone.

          on first glance, I would have to say 90% of the political threads started are threads attacking Obama and/or the democrats.

          this means:

          a) democrats choose not to post, there are hardly any members with liberal views

          b) conservatives are more prevalent in voicing their views, only their views that they disapprove of the opposite views.

          I'm a devil's advocate contrarian by nature so assuredly if nothing but Liberal propaganda is splayed across this board, then I would be asking the same question only about Democrats lol.

          then again I don't watch CNN or other liberal news outlets and everyone in Texas swears by FOXNEWs so maybe thats why lol.
          There are plenty of anti-Mcain, pro-Obama sentiments out there on the net....it's just here at Predictem, there are only 2 people who have an opinion on the upcoming election...and a definite opinion at that, and one seems to have alot of passion, energy and time to smear one of the candidates...so that's what we see. All the power to him. I enjoy it and find it humourous. But I don't think most people care to post smears on their local capping forum...hence virtually no rebuttals for either side. There are plenty of intelligent liberal points of view at the various news/political forums.



          • JohnnyMapleLeaf
            • Feb 2007
            • 8456

            For what it's worth, I thought these were pretty good....here you go Q...

            Last edited by JohnnyMapleLeaf; 08-22-2008, 09:34 AM.


            • homedawg
              • Feb 2007
              • 7689

              Do some research and make your own decision! This isn't a sports bet, do not tail anyone!

              Nothing but pictures and smears?

              The pictures are for the most part amusing, however some pictures are worth a thousand words, and are for those that are too lazy to take the time to research, read, and listen to the candidates!

              I did my own research, and I am proud to say, I will vote based on what I have learned about BOTH candidates! Not one single picture nor smear, was involved in my decision! Just the facts, the TRUE facts!

              GL Q :beerbang:


              • dananderson32
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2007
                • 2748

                Originally posted by homedawg
                Do some research and make your own decision! This isn't a sports bet, do not tail anyone!

                Nothing but pictures and smears?

                The pictures are for the most part amusing, however some pictures are worth a thousand words, and are for those that are too lazy to take the time to research, read, and listen to the candidates!

                I did my own research, and I am proud to say, I will vote based on what I have learned about BOTH candidates! Not one single picture nor smear, was involved in my decision! Just the facts, the TRUE facts!

                GL Q :beerbang:
                as it should be but the average american is too lazy and non caring to do as you have done, or they are simply turned off by the process of smearing that the media continues to throw in the voters face on a daily basis and not the facts that should be used to make their decision
                ****all plays 4.4 units to win 4 units unless otherwise noted****

                NBA 20-22 -16.8 units
                NHL 1-0 +4.0 units
                MLB 0-1 -4.8 units
                CFB 12-6-1 +21.6 units


                • BoKnows
                  SEC!Any Questions?
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 1089

                  Smear not here. See my posts i.e Obamanomics, Father Daughter Talk, Bill Cosby for Pres, Executive Summary . They all tell the tale of why Obama would be the worst choice for President even for the simple minded that do not know anything beside 4 more years of the same. They state facts and analogy's. The funny thing about the libs is that you challenge them on any issue and it really falls back to the same old dribble i.e they hate bush, more of the same, Bush lied peeps died, no child left a dime and on and on. Seriously most libs form their opinions in bumper sticker quotes hence why you do not see them posting here. Get real. I am here to discuss every issue point for point on why McCain would be better to lead than Obama. I will not even discuss the things about character i.e the anti-america Wright that was his spiritual lead for 20 years, or his great relationship with homegrown terrorist, will not say the pledge of allegience or put his hand on his heart, his wife hates america, ....though in my opinion those things should mean something though smear they may be. Just dont bring me Bush sucks so Obama is the choice. You want higher taxes, socialized health care, harsh regulations on trade, offshore drilling is a bad thing, ANWAR,think you can deal with Iran through diplomacy, think an all out evac of Iraq would be a good thing et. al then I cannot debate you because you are lost to begin with. Read between the lines, or actually read period compare these 2 canidates not this canidate vs the last administration and then lets talk.

                  As I look back see how the smear on McCain is tying him to Bush, and the smear on Osama is tying him to well himself. Get the point?The intelligence rings through loud and clear.
                  Last edited by BoKnows; 08-22-2008, 10:52 AM.


                  • FlyersFan
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2007
                    • 12128

                    LMAO....at dan and Q for calling out fox for being to the right....:laughing:

                    if you haven't noticed they are the only media outlet that isn't left of the far left....you liberals have about 99% of the media pandering to Obama

                    both you guys are students from what i can tell. go out, start your own business, employee people, bust your ass on a daily basis for a hard earned wage, be a teacher in CA and then watch the money set aside for teachers go to chenequa for her section 8 housing voucher and watch her not work.....then watch the democrats give the rest of your tax money to chenequa and her 19 kids out of wedlock because she/they feel she is ENTITLED to something and then tell me if you are still a liberal.

                    There was a great piece written a long long time ago and it talked about the fall of democracies. It basically stated that when people understand that they can vote themselves benefits, they will control society and it's all over folks. It's coming...you can see it......

                    Neither candidate is very good, IMO, but im voting with my wallet and my security. If you think Obama is better for this country securtiy wise and economically (don't get me wrong, if you want to sit on your ass and get a hand out he's the man as are all the democrats) then wow.......

                    I am going to go out on a limb and say neither of you guys has much real world experience and when you do, i would hope your opinions would change. It's really scary to think that people could actually be for more government in our lives, socialism and the overall dumbing of america. There are flaws in both parties but wow.....there is still one that is a better choice than another.
                    I am the M'bah a'Flyers Fan !


                    • BoKnows
                      SEC!Any Questions?
                      • Mar 2007
                      • 1089

                      Originally posted by FlyersFan
                      LMAO....at dan and Q for calling out fox for being to the right....:laughing:

                      if you haven't noticed they are the only media outlet that isn't left of the far left....you liberals have about 99% of the media pandering to Obama

                      both you guys are students from what i can tell. go out, start your own business, employee people, bust your ass on a daily basis for a hard earned wage, be a teacher in CA and then watch the money set aside for teachers go to chenequa for her section 8 housing voucher and watch her not work.....then watch the democrats give the rest of your tax money to chenequa and her 19 kids out of wedlock because she/they feel she is ENTITLED to something and then tell me if you are still a liberal.

                      There was a great piece written a long long time ago and it talked about the fall of democracies. It basically stated that when people understand that they can vote themselves benefits, they will control society and it's all over folks. It's coming...you can see it......

                      Neither candidate is very good, IMO, but im voting with my wallet and my security. If you think Obama is better for this country securtiy wise and economically (don't get me wrong, if you want to sit on your ass and get a hand out he's the man as are all the democrats) then wow.......

                      I am going to go out on a limb and say neither of you guys has much real world experience and when you do, i would hope your opinions would change. It's really scary to think that people could actually be for more government in our lives, socialism and the overall dumbing of america. There are flaws in both parties but wow.....there is still one that is a better choice than another.

                      Seriously, then you get someone like Rothko who apparently is a small business owner who is having trouble making coin and he cannot see the light....scary. I own my own business I pay the health ins. of my employees, I get taxed to hell and back and the libs say I dont give enough? There are realist and idealist....which one are you?


                      • FlyersFan
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 12128

                        Originally posted by BoKnows

                        Seriously, then you get someone like Rothko who apparently is a small business owner who is having trouble making coin and he cannot see the light....scary. I own my own business I pay the health ins. of my employees, I get taxed to hell and back and the libs say I dont give enough? There are realist and idealist....which one are you?
                        exactly....the funny thing is that liberals expect you to pay child care, time off PAID for empolyees, health insurance etc......and if there's any money left over for you then you can have it.....:laughing:

                        what a F'ing joke. Seriously, it's scary......and i agree, people say i don't like bush and i want a change. They don't look at the facts, they don't understand the economics of everything and they vote for a "change" that has no definition.

                        Liberals want a socialist nation. They incentivize people to not work. Sad thing is that as business owner i (a) employee people (b) purchase goods from others to keep them in business and (c) contribute to this country. But im the bad guy....:ohman:

                        So Q here is a question for you. You seem very bothered by conservatives...i can see it in the tone of your post. Why are you a liberal?

                        i was a political science and world econ major(s) and all politics ever is Q is slandering the other person. that is why i agree with Homedawg that you need to make up your own mind and vote based on REAL ISSUES. not some fictional "change" that we need. Look into both candidates. Then make a decision.
                        Last edited by FlyersFan; 08-22-2008, 11:24 AM.
                        I am the M'bah a'Flyers Fan !


                        • BoKnows
                          SEC!Any Questions?
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 1089

                          While your at it please define "Change" for me as I am confused on how things will change for the better. I mean you intellectual libs must know as this is your canidates entire platform. Will the economy change for the better, will we get socialized health care(ask Johnny how well that works when you need a hearttransplant in Canada), will we get to burn the flag now, and supplant kum-by-ya for the national anthem as not to hurt the feelings of the mexicans and every other expat, will we get to replace "In God We Trust", because we have not proved there is a God, and he is not my God anyway, will we get higher taxes to help the unmotivated with 8 kids and a green card, but hurt everyone else, will we forbid offshore drilling because that is part of the problem and not part of the answer, will we keep ANWAR an uninhabited wasteland that know one ever sees and not use it to benefit all americans, will we protect our boarders better, we will get a even more unstablized middle east, will we become best friends with Iran? I need a better understanding of "Change" as I am a very confused Republican. Thanks for your response.


                          • JohnnyMapleLeaf
                            • Feb 2007
                            • 8456

                            Originally posted by homedawg
                            Do some research and make your own decision! This isn't a sports bet, do not tail anyone!

                            Nothing but pictures and smears?

                            The pictures are for the most part amusing, however some pictures are worth a thousand words, and are for those that are too lazy to take the time to research, read, and listen to the candidates!

                            I did my own research, and I am proud to say, I will vote based on what I have learned about BOTH candidates! Not one single picture nor smear, was involved in my decision! Just the facts, the TRUE facts!

                            GL Q :beerbang:
                            Well said, can't argue with that. :thumbs:
                            Last edited by JohnnyMapleLeaf; 08-22-2008, 11:47 AM.


                            • homedawg
                              • Feb 2007
                              • 7689

                              Originally posted by JohnnyMapleLeaf
                              Well said, can't argue with that. :thumbs:

                              On a side note Johnny, I have spent the last couple days replacing many parts on my truck & wifey's car
                              Every part has Made in Canada on the box.
                              I retired from the auto repair business a few years back and it was more common then to find parts
                              Made in China Philippines Mexico etc...
                              I use to run into many problems with those parts.
                              These parts were all well manufactured, oem quality & design, direct install with no problems at all.
                              1 of the parts I replaced was the fuel tank on my truck, It even has Made In Canada, along with a Mapleleaf, stamped into the tank. I'm not sure why? But I will be more at ease parking my truck anywhere from now on, without any concern, that someone will crawl under my truck and poke a hole in my tank to steal my gas, because as soon as they see that Mapleleaf, they will run!


