Sadly, this is right on the money.
The deleveraging process (i.e. gracefully bailing out the 100-1 risks 5 billion at a time) is going to be very painful. The issue is a little like being forced to sell your house fast vs having time to sell your house well - bad pun in know. When you do a forced sale, you dont get what you can do when you can stage and prepare.
What is going on with CDOs and the Credit Default Swaps which alledgedly hedge against CDOs is a little like that. The process is actually starting to work - CDOs are actually trading again, albiet at vastly reduced levels. The smart money I hear is actually buying the damn things at highly distressed prices.
Money (for the house) is almost always made when fear is at it's height. A site full of gamblers probably realizes this :)
The deleveraging process (i.e. gracefully bailing out the 100-1 risks 5 billion at a time) is going to be very painful. The issue is a little like being forced to sell your house fast vs having time to sell your house well - bad pun in know. When you do a forced sale, you dont get what you can do when you can stage and prepare.
What is going on with CDOs and the Credit Default Swaps which alledgedly hedge against CDOs is a little like that. The process is actually starting to work - CDOs are actually trading again, albiet at vastly reduced levels. The smart money I hear is actually buying the damn things at highly distressed prices.
Money (for the house) is almost always made when fear is at it's height. A site full of gamblers probably realizes this :)