It's shameful how this discussion has turned. Regardless of the circumstances this is nothing but a terrible tragedy and should not be a cause for any hatred among people. Sean Taylor was a great football player, but the real tragedy here is not that he will no longer play the game but that he was taken from his newly born daughter. No matter who Taylor was involved with or what things he may have done in his past there is no doubt in my mind that his killing was of the most unjustifiable evil.
Please stop arguing amongst yourselves and show remorse and regret for his family, the circumstances again have no bearing on any of us and we should all be sorry for those that loved and cared for him. Of which there were many, I go to UM and have seen nothing but support for him and mostly for those survived by him. Please show some respect and leave all your grudges, differences, and petty name calling out of this.
Thank you.
Please stop arguing amongst yourselves and show remorse and regret for his family, the circumstances again have no bearing on any of us and we should all be sorry for those that loved and cared for him. Of which there were many, I go to UM and have seen nothing but support for him and mostly for those survived by him. Please show some respect and leave all your grudges, differences, and petty name calling out of this.
Thank you.