First I like thhe play on PIT. tonight. it opened last week at Pit -7.5 and went quikly up to -9.5, now since then some have had it at -10 and is now down to about -9 or -8. my theory is at the bigining of the week, "smart money" got it and took pitt with out a doubt at -7.5 and so much money that it went to -9.5, during the week public bought on to it for alil and made it -10 for anly a short time. Now as u see it it the line is moving down back to -9.5, -9 or even some at -8 which tells us that publis is taking BALTI and we should all fade the wonderful public. Now for next week. I took a look and saw a couple. 1 is I like ATL +4.5, CAR should'nt be giving anyone anything unless the books know that Testabirdie will be playin, that will have to be accounted for since an old man is way better than young CARR, sad I know. The other is DET at a PK or -1. once again DET opened at +1 and now is -1. well good luck all in tonight, hope i made sence.
Two plays for WK #10 & tonights MNF