I love TB -3.5 and CAR +4 or 5 (whichever you get) For mondayPITT-10 and the UNDER
I figure TB is atleast a FAV. by 5 here. to me the line is off as I stated about the GB game last night and GB comes out with it, yes a heart pounder I know. Now the CAR game. CAR should be the FAV. here. Lines way off. This should be a close game both with good DEE'S and both passing games arent the greatest. There is a huge winner on the BUFF/CINCY game which I'm still figuring out. I will post that play latter on in the week. MONDAY night I'm huge on the UNDER and taking PIT-10 I think it may go down if it does it's even a better play. Both have great Dee's and PITT with a better OFF. and comming off of a lose against DEN. PiITT opened at -7.5 and is now at -10, -7.5 was a steal. why it went up, the smart money got all over this early and moved the line. I'd bet getting closer to sunday the public will get a hold of this and bring it down a HALF. Imma dance my way
to the cashin in the winning tix this week. Hope u all do too. GL.
I figure TB is atleast a FAV. by 5 here. to me the line is off as I stated about the GB game last night and GB comes out with it, yes a heart pounder I know. Now the CAR game. CAR should be the FAV. here. Lines way off. This should be a close game both with good DEE'S and both passing games arent the greatest. There is a huge winner on the BUFF/CINCY game which I'm still figuring out. I will post that play latter on in the week. MONDAY night I'm huge on the UNDER and taking PIT-10 I think it may go down if it does it's even a better play. Both have great Dee's and PITT with a better OFF. and comming off of a lose against DEN. PiITT opened at -7.5 and is now at -10, -7.5 was a steal. why it went up, the smart money got all over this early and moved the line. I'd bet getting closer to sunday the public will get a hold of this and bring it down a HALF. Imma dance my way
