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  • Daws1089
    • Mar 2007
    • 7814


    I have had very similar scenarios as the one you just described. Just lost ridiculous amounts of hands in a row and blow through 200 in 4 minutes. Sadly, these online casinos might be programmed to some degree. There will never be any proof to that, but losing 11 hands in a row or multiple 7 hands in a row does not seem like it should happen nearly as often as it has for me.

    On a side note, I have actually made a couple hundred over the past 2 weeks. My strategy has been simple. I'm playing 10 dollar hands, so 2 $5 units. and if I win the first hand, I stop playing. If I lose, I play until I win 3 in a row or get back to up $10. It's worked well.


    • USFMD82
      • Apr 2007
      • 511

      Daws are we talking about online or in a live casino? yeah I know what you mean it just seems like the switch flipped on me, I wen from being up 2500 on blackjack alone, to losing it all in a short span of time. no fault but my own I didn't stop when I did, but still, my losing hands skyrocketed vs my winning hands, its just odd don't think ill ever catch that string of luck again.
      Last Wager placed 01/11/09 - Loss
      Taking a sabbatical from wagering


      • Daws1089
        • Mar 2007
        • 7814

        online bj. No its wierd. When I first started playing online I won over $4,000 in 2 months. Then the awful days just kept coming. I don't think its a coincidence that you and I both experienced this.


        • USFMD82
          • Apr 2007
          • 511

          There went my retirement plans to quit the job and just play Online BJ all day :) your new system sounds nice, however I have yet to sit down and get above my starting one time! Where were yo playing you said and somewhere else?
          Last Wager placed 01/11/09 - Loss
          Taking a sabbatical from wagering


          • Daws1089
            • Mar 2007
            • 7814

            betus and sportsbook.


            • USFMD82
              • Apr 2007
              • 511

              Anyone had any updates on this? I go into the BJ program form time to time but my bj losses coupled with some bad luck in sports, I have just had a rough year.. hows everyone else doing?
              Last Wager placed 01/11/09 - Loss
              Taking a sabbatical from wagering


              • Q-Unit
                Offensive Coordinator
                • Feb 2007
                • 5183

                I've been on hiatus but am just now getting back into flow.

                Daws, do you only do $10 dollar increments? at casinos that is. do you ever do more?

                I'm asking because we're planning to go to Vegas in May, and dunno how many 10 dollar tables we'll see :-/

                - that being said, whats the next best increment? Trying to figure out, as all there is I believe is 5 25 100. I guess I could ask for all 5s and grind my way through lol if I chose to play at a 15 dollar table or something.

                (thinking out loud): 20-20-30-40-50? Hope dealer doesn't get annoyed with weird chip stacks, oh well our money lol

                how's everyone been doing?

                "Schooly D is fat cake yo."
                -Big Pimpin-


                • Q-Unit
                  Offensive Coordinator
                  • Feb 2007
                  • 5183

                  Originally posted by USFMD82

                  I know what you mean and I do not believe in martingale like strategies either. What me an Daws do, is similar to what you mentioned we chase wins, 2unit, 2 unit, 3,4,5,.. I usually revert back to 2 when i get to 5 units. I have found this to be a great money management because when you do get that loss, you are still up when you lose go back to 2 as well.
                  I just saw this, and I also tried that today!

                  I just thought, how many times in a row can I win? if I win 10x in a row, going back to 2 after hitting 5 isnt a big deal because you never know when you're gonna lose, I ALWAYS expect to lose the next hand. This has worked out so far on my practice on the computer, gonna keep trying it to see how it goes.

                  I figure once you're betting 5 units, if it hits, might as well start over and hang onto some of that profit run up!

                  Have you found success thus far with this particular tweak to the money management?


                  "Schooly D is fat cake yo."
                  -Big Pimpin-


                  • Daws1089
                    • Mar 2007
                    • 7814

                    You're right on Q. It's allabout grinding it out with the 2 unit plays and then you'll hit a streak. Soemtimes its 3 in a row or a couple 2s in a row. But every once in awhile I'll hit like 5 or I once hit 7 in a row. When you get to a place where you don't want to increase a unit anymore, just go right back to the start and pocket those chips you madeon your run. I play a Parx casino which is the new casino here in Philadelphia and I can ohonestly say that when I go there to just play blackjack I have only lost money twice out of 14 trips. So I've either pushed or won money 12 times. Now it may not be a ton of money, but it's more than I came with.

                    If I can find it I play 5 dollar tables so 2 units bets to start would be $10. In vegas, if you can stomach it you could play at the $25 tables and start with 2 unit bets at $50 and increase by $25 with every win. I don't know if that is feasible for you or not. You could also ask the dealer for a bunch of reds and just play $40 a hand because you will likely not be betting less than 2 units on any bet so $40 could work. Even $30 would work. But the system we used cannot operate with any number that 2 units ends in 5 because the way it is setup is to add 1 unit after you've won 2 in a row so you would now bet 3. So if you try this with 25 as your 2 unit bet. You'd have to bet 37.50 on your 3 unit bet and that just doesn't work at the table so stick to $10 increments.


                    • Q-Unit
                      Offensive Coordinator
                      • Feb 2007
                      • 5183

                      wow thanks for the reply Daws!

                      but I have to ask, as I was perusing through this thread, I see that a couple of ya'll were soured on the online play, saying its hard to even hit 2x in a row much less 5x.

                      Would you say playing in a casino live, is much more ideal than playing on the internet?

                      I know better than to get my hopes up, or get all cocky, but it makes me feel better to know ya'll have success out there.

                      - do you double down/split aggressively, or by the book, or more passive

                      - would you say stringent money management is key along with playing Basic Strategy and sticking to certain units? never deviating from your units in accordance to your bankroll?

                      - 1 on 1, or at least a table with knowledgeable players?

                      - 1/2 deck, or 6/8 deck?

                      Thanks in advance! :beerbang:

                      Good info here

                      "Schooly D is fat cake yo."
                      -Big Pimpin-


                      • Daws1089
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 7814

                        No prob. Online can be a bit discouraging. I have my days online tho. Today I played for like 25 minutes and happened to win $105 playing $10 2 unit bets. The other day I dropped $55 easily maybe winning 2 hands in the 5 minutes I played. Its up and down like any other gambling, but the strategy helps.

                        I play basic strategy all the way. You have to know it by heart. As soon as the dealer's card comes up you have to know immediately what your move is. I don't mind playing alone. Although many say not too. If you're doing well stick with it. Don't play with anyone who is being stupid by splitting 10's or any other bs moves. If you know the strategy, you'll know if you need to leave. It's hard enough to win in bj, don't need idiots getting in the way.

                        One thing that some people do,that I don't is I don't double down on an 11 against a dealer's 10. I just hit. If you lose a few of your double down opportunities in a row, don't get discouraged. I know its deflating, but a double down can bring you right back to life. That reminds me, I also don't double down anything if I'm on my 4th ot 5th in a row. I'm not risking that much, so i'll just hit and hope for the best, but do what you want.

                        Stick to the plan and I play 6/8 deck usually, but it probably works the same on any size shoe.

                        You may hover a little up or a little down for an hour at a time. It's all about the grind. Don't play all day though. A couple hours here and there. Go get a beer or find your buddies.


                        • Daws1089
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 7814

                          I picked up another $55 today in BJ in about 12 minutes. I'll stay away for awhile now. It's good to add a little to your roll now and again. Don't get stuck playing that game for too long!


                          • USFMD82
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 511

                            How the cards been treating you Since January Daws? Q how was your trip to Vegas?

                            I been out of Gambling Sports and Cards since March Madness
                            Last Wager placed 01/11/09 - Loss
                            Taking a sabbatical from wagering


                            • Daws1089
                              • Mar 2007
                              • 7814

                              I haven't done much BJ recently. I'm actually heading to AC this weekend so I plan to play then. I'll report back.


                              • Daws1089
                                • Mar 2007
                                • 7814

                                believe it or not, I didn't play a hand of black jack this weekend lol. I was down for a buddy's birthday and I never made it over that way. We spent most of the time in the bar and at the craps tables.

