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Taking It Easy - 1 Play Saturday

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  • Taking It Easy - 1 Play Saturday

    I need a break, so just one play for me tonight.

    Angels vs Toronto Over 8.5

    1.2 to Pay 1

    Went to the game last night (Angels vs Toronto) and it really made me realize how much I hate Angel fans. I've talked to baseball fans from all over the place and I have to admint that the majority of Angel fans at the stadium know close to nothing about baesball. Everytime Vlad steps up to the plate and hits a LOB the crowd goes crazy. It's as if they can't tell if the ball is going to leave the park or not. They boo at every call that doesn't go their way, and the majority of them are not even close. There was probably 10 people total wearing Blue Jay gear (had my Halladay jersey on) and I swear more than half of the stadium didn't care or didnt know who Halladay was. The only thing I can say nice about Angel fans is that they stay for the entire game, other than that blue team in LA (don't want to say any names :) )

    So ya, vent mission completed.

    Over 8.5

  • #2
    Cleared :beerbang:

