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2007 Run Line Totals For 1st 2 months > Looking for Feedback/Suggestions for August

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  • 2007 Run Line Totals For 1st 2 months > Looking for Feedback/Suggestions for August

    I'm looking for feedback,anything related to this before I do the Aug 2007 schedule tomorrow. The system has completed it's 2nd winning month. I have included the stats so far for the 1st 2 months of the system for everyone to view and reply with any feedback or suggestions for Aug 07. If you wagered $1.00 units so far this season you would be +101.69.

    June 2007 SERIES RECORD: 35-0 +44.30

    GAME 1: 15-20
    GAME 2: 10-10
    GAME 3: 5-5
    GAME 4: 2-3
    GAME 5: 2-1
    GAME 6: 1-0
    GAME 7: 0-0
    GAME 8: 0-0
    GAME 9: 0-0
    GAME 10+: 0-0
    Total games 35-39

    July 2007 SERIES RECORD: 40-0 +57.39
    GAME 1: 16-25
    GAME 2: 11-14
    GAME 3: 8-6
    GAME 4: 3-3
    GAME 5: 1-1
    GAME 6: 0-1
    GAME 7: 1-0
    GAME 8: 0-0
    GAME 9: 0-0
    GAME 10+: 0-0
    Total games 40-50

    RL SERIES RECORD TOTAL 75-0 +101.69
    GAME 1: 31-45
    GAME 2: 21-24
    GAME 3: 13-11
    GAME 4: 5-6
    GAME 5: 3-2
    GAME 6: 1-1
    GAME 7: 1-0
    GAME 8: 0-0
    GAME 9: 0-0
    GAME 10+: 0-0
    Total games 75-89


    WNBA 5-3

  • #2
    How exactly does this system work..I must be missing something?


    • #3
      THIS IS A HOME TEAM RUN LINE CHASE SYSTEM. This means you take the home team to cover a 1.5 run line +/- during their homestand.

      Pittsburgh has a 7 game homestand

      GAME 1 Chicago @ Pittsburgh -1.5 +150 which means you wager 1.00 to win 1.50 on Pittsburgh to win by more than 1.5 runs. If Pit wins the chase is over and you win 1.50. If Pit loses you goto game 2.

      GAME 2 Chicago @ Pittsburgh +1.5 -150 which means you wager 3.00 (1.50 to win the 1.00 you lost in game 1 plus 1.50 to win 1.00. If Pit wins the chase is over and you are +1.00 (won 1.00 lost in game 1 plus the 1.00 you wagered in game 2. If Pit loses you goto a game 3.

      GAME 3 Chicago @ Pittsburgh -1.5 +1.50 which means you wager 4.00 to win 6.00 ( 1.00 in game 1/ 3.00 in game 2/1.00 in game 3) If Pit wins chase is over and you are +2.00 (4.00 from loses in 1st 2 games plus the 2.00 for winning game 3.) If Pit loses you goto a game 4,etc

      Remember if you lose and goto the next game in the series you want to wager to win what you lost in the series already plus to win 1 unit.

      PLMK if this helps

      WNBA 5-3


      • #4
        Yeah thanks now I get it...Do you do it for all homestands or do the homestands have to be a certain # of games? Say a team only has a three game homestand...IE the Tigers played like 7 games on the road then came home for only 3 then back on the road for 11 or so..So my question is say you lose the Three games for the Tigers on their 3 game homestand..Do you A) Continue the chase when the Tigers return home or B)Start the chase over going back to risking just 1 unit and go from there?


        • #5
          In June I used a select few for the chase but in July I played all HOME teams with a minimum of at least 6 games.
          WNBA 5-3


          • #6
            What do you do if the team gets swept? Just chalk it up as a loss I would assume. You can always double up on anything, and just keep doubling don't really need to base it around RL's

            I could take a -110, if I lose put 220, 330, 440, and so on until I win. I do it on the red/black roulette tables all the time. It is bound to hit.

            So it seems like your outcome is great, it really is. What I don't get is why base it around RLs? Not critisizing by any means, just a little lost.


            • #7
              I use Run Lines because I am in to chases that use a Home and AWAY team to win as well as OVER/UNDER so I thought why not a Run Line chase. As for your thinking on doubling on what ever to win could be more costly in the long run. At the end of a Home stand the home team still hasn't covered a -1.5/+1.5 run line then yes the chase is over for that team and it is considered a loss. Again with your theory you keep dobling -125 every time your team loses you are going to be betting way more than on my system which is mostly a (+) for a team to cover thats why the huge difference in win and money.
              WNBA 5-3


              • #8
                Originally posted by BeaverStadium View Post
                Again with your theory you keep dobling -125 every time your team loses you are going to be betting way more than on my system which is mostly a (+) for a team to cover thats why the huge difference in win and money.
                OK, that makes sense. I have never tested my theory of doubling up on pick ems (-110), that was just an example, but you could be right.


                • #9
                  Heres an quick example for you


                  game 1 Boston -150 to win > lose goto game 2

                  game 2 Boston -250 to win > lose goto game 3

                  game 3 Boston -150 to win > Boston wins

                  To goto game 3 of this series it would look like this

                  game 1 bet 150 to win 100
                  game 2 bet 375 to win 250 (155 lost in G1 and to win 100 in G2)
                  game 3 bet 800 to win 725 (525 lost in G1 and 2 and to win 100 in G3

                  RUN LINE

                  game 1 Boston -1.5 +125 to win > bet 100 to win 125 lose goto G2

                  game 2 Boston -1.5 +105 to win > bet 200 to win 210 lose goto G3

                  game 3 Boston -1.5 +115 to win > bet 300 to win 345 Boston wins

                  To goto game 3 of this series it would look like this

                  game 1 bet 100 to win 125
                  game 2 bet 200 to win 210
                  game 3 bet 300 to win 345

                  After 3 games
                  Money Line you wagered 800 to win 100
                  Run Line you wagered 300 to win 145

                  Hope this helps you out

                  WNBA 5-3

