Month 1: 93-99-7 +7.52
Yesterday I passed.
Today ~ Day 34 ... May 3rd
Blue Jays
White Sox
(plon) ~ Play on an Away Dog when their opposition is on a 2 game win streak...
season >=2014 and AD and op:W and opp:W
SU: 41-30 (0.62, 57.7%); avg line: 131.2 / -143.1; plon: +$2,370 plag: -$2,818; ROI: +33.4% / -27.7%
* * * * * * * * * Added feature of this one * * * * * * * * *
(plon) ~ Play on any Away Dog and line is>=-105 and line <=150 when their opposition is on a 2 game win streak...
season >=2014 and A and line>-105 and line <=150 and op:W and opp:W
SU: 32-23 (0.60, 58.2%); avg line: 120.5 / -130.5; plon: +$1,605 plag: -$1,923; ROI: +29.2% / -26.8%
(plon) ~ Play on any Dog and line is >=-105 to +150 after losing 2 in a row and their opposition has won 2 in a row...
season >=2014 and line>=-105 and line <=150 and p:L and pp:L and op:W and opp:W
SU: 35-21 (0.11, 62.5%); avg line: 116.8 / -126.8; plon: +$2,037 plag: -$2,375; ROI: +36.1% / -33.4%
* * * * * * * * * Added feature of this one * * * * * * * * *
(plon) ~ Play on any Away Dog and line is >0 to +150 after losing 2 in a row and their opposition has won 2 in a row...
A and line >0 and line <= 150 and p:L and pp:L and op:W and opp:W and season = 2014
SU: 22-10 (0.25, 68.8%); avg line: 123.5 / -133.5; plon: +$1,709 plag: -$1,929; ROI: +53.4% / -45.2%
* * * * * * * * * Another Added feature of this one * * * * * * * * *
(plon) ~ Play on any Dog and line is >-105 to +150 after losing 2 games in a row; lost their previous game @ HM or AW
and lost their Away game 2 games back and their opposition has won 2 in a row...
season >= 2014 and line >-105 and line <= 150 and p:L and pp:AL and op:W and opp:W
SU: 21-7 (0.93, 75.0%); avg line: 119.3 / -129.3; plon: +$1,849 plag: -$2,059; ROI: +65.9% / -56.9%
(plon) ~ Play on an Away team when line is -105 or greater to +150 and they lost their last away game...
season >=2014 and A and line>=-105 and line <=150 and p:AL
SU: 60-48 (0.40, 55.6%); avg line: 118.4 / -128.4; plon: +$2,279 plag: -$2,871; ROI: +21.0% / -20.8%
White Sox
Blue Jays
* * * * * * * * * Added feature of this one * * * * * * * * *
(plon) ~ Play on an Away team when line is -105 or greater to +150 and they lost their last 2 away games...
season >=2014 and A and line>=-105 and line <=150 and p:AL and pp:AL
SU: 29-15 (0.36, 65.9%) avg line: 116.0 / -126.0; plon: +$1,955 plag: -$2,242; ROI: +44.4% / -40.5%
OU: 14-29-1 (-0.41, 32.6%); avg total: 8.0; over: -$1,760 / under: +$1,340; ROI: -36.7% / +27.4%
(plon) ~ Play on an Away dog and line >+150 that won by 3 or more in previous game vs. same opponent...
A and line >150 and p:margin >=3 and o:team=op:team and season=2014
SU: 8-5 (-0.31, 61.5%); avg line: 164.8 / -179.8 plon: +$798 plag: -$893 ROI: +61.4% / -38.2%
OU: 9-3-1 (2.62, 75.0%); avg total: 7.7; over: +$565 / under: -$725; ROI: +40.1% / -50.0%
(plon) ~ Play on a DOG when line is -105 to +150 and lost their last game by 1 run to the same team they are playing
today ...
season >= 2014 and line >= -105 and line <= 150 and p:margin = -1 and o:team = op:team
SU: 35-17 (1.10, 67.3%); avg line: 116.9 / -126.9; plon: +$2,362 plag: -$2,697; ROI: +45.2% / -40.9%
Blue Jays
Yesterday I passed.
Today ~ Day 34 ... May 3rd
Blue Jays
White Sox
(plon) ~ Play on an Away Dog when their opposition is on a 2 game win streak...
season >=2014 and AD and op:W and opp:W
SU: 41-30 (0.62, 57.7%); avg line: 131.2 / -143.1; plon: +$2,370 plag: -$2,818; ROI: +33.4% / -27.7%
* * * * * * * * * Added feature of this one * * * * * * * * *
(plon) ~ Play on any Away Dog and line is>=-105 and line <=150 when their opposition is on a 2 game win streak...
season >=2014 and A and line>-105 and line <=150 and op:W and opp:W
SU: 32-23 (0.60, 58.2%); avg line: 120.5 / -130.5; plon: +$1,605 plag: -$1,923; ROI: +29.2% / -26.8%
(plon) ~ Play on any Dog and line is >=-105 to +150 after losing 2 in a row and their opposition has won 2 in a row...
season >=2014 and line>=-105 and line <=150 and p:L and pp:L and op:W and opp:W
SU: 35-21 (0.11, 62.5%); avg line: 116.8 / -126.8; plon: +$2,037 plag: -$2,375; ROI: +36.1% / -33.4%
* * * * * * * * * Added feature of this one * * * * * * * * *
(plon) ~ Play on any Away Dog and line is >0 to +150 after losing 2 in a row and their opposition has won 2 in a row...
A and line >0 and line <= 150 and p:L and pp:L and op:W and opp:W and season = 2014
SU: 22-10 (0.25, 68.8%); avg line: 123.5 / -133.5; plon: +$1,709 plag: -$1,929; ROI: +53.4% / -45.2%
* * * * * * * * * Another Added feature of this one * * * * * * * * *
(plon) ~ Play on any Dog and line is >-105 to +150 after losing 2 games in a row; lost their previous game @ HM or AW
and lost their Away game 2 games back and their opposition has won 2 in a row...
season >= 2014 and line >-105 and line <= 150 and p:L and pp:AL and op:W and opp:W
SU: 21-7 (0.93, 75.0%); avg line: 119.3 / -129.3; plon: +$1,849 plag: -$2,059; ROI: +65.9% / -56.9%
(plon) ~ Play on an Away team when line is -105 or greater to +150 and they lost their last away game...
season >=2014 and A and line>=-105 and line <=150 and p:AL
SU: 60-48 (0.40, 55.6%); avg line: 118.4 / -128.4; plon: +$2,279 plag: -$2,871; ROI: +21.0% / -20.8%
White Sox
Blue Jays
* * * * * * * * * Added feature of this one * * * * * * * * *
(plon) ~ Play on an Away team when line is -105 or greater to +150 and they lost their last 2 away games...
season >=2014 and A and line>=-105 and line <=150 and p:AL and pp:AL
SU: 29-15 (0.36, 65.9%) avg line: 116.0 / -126.0; plon: +$1,955 plag: -$2,242; ROI: +44.4% / -40.5%
OU: 14-29-1 (-0.41, 32.6%); avg total: 8.0; over: -$1,760 / under: +$1,340; ROI: -36.7% / +27.4%
(plon) ~ Play on an Away dog and line >+150 that won by 3 or more in previous game vs. same opponent...
A and line >150 and p:margin >=3 and o:team=op:team and season=2014
SU: 8-5 (-0.31, 61.5%); avg line: 164.8 / -179.8 plon: +$798 plag: -$893 ROI: +61.4% / -38.2%
OU: 9-3-1 (2.62, 75.0%); avg total: 7.7; over: +$565 / under: -$725; ROI: +40.1% / -50.0%
(plon) ~ Play on a DOG when line is -105 to +150 and lost their last game by 1 run to the same team they are playing
today ...
season >= 2014 and line >= -105 and line <= 150 and p:margin = -1 and o:team = op:team
SU: 35-17 (1.10, 67.3%); avg line: 116.9 / -126.9; plon: +$2,362 plag: -$2,697; ROI: +45.2% / -40.9%
Blue Jays