Os +205 for 3* stars...Guthrie has real good stuff asdoes Beckett...first two games of series have been close for the first 7 innnings...see the same today except the Os pen doesn't blow up like yesterday...Guthrie is young and strong and should go late into game..he is a hard thrower like Beckett..so whoever is throwing strikes between the two should prevail..might be both will be on so this game might be decided late...like the Os for 1 1/2 runs -105 for *3 stars as well..in case the Ospen blows it.
Like the under 9 in the Nats/Florida game...daygames in RFK stadium tend to go under..cool weather should also keep the ball in the park...
Like the Pirates -105 for *stars..Snell is their ace..against a rookie..take the better starter in this one.
*5 stars 9-5
*4 stars 21-19
*3 stars 11-17
*2 stars 5-17
*1 star 3-2
YTD -9.7 units
Like the under 9 in the Nats/Florida game...daygames in RFK stadium tend to go under..cool weather should also keep the ball in the park...
Like the Pirates -105 for *stars..Snell is their ace..against a rookie..take the better starter in this one.
*5 stars 9-5
*4 stars 21-19
*3 stars 11-17
*2 stars 5-17
*1 star 3-2
YTD -9.7 units