Friday MLB Picks

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  • Kevin
    Red Hot and Rollin'
    • Feb 2007
    • 11867

    Friday MLB Picks

    YTD 69-78-3 -21.70
    -106 to -109: 2-1 +4.94
    -110 to -119: 5-9 -15.83
    -120 to -129: 4-6 -5.54
    -130 to -139: 5-4 -3.84
    -140 to -149: 4-4 +4.30
    -150 to -159: 1-4 -23.80
    -160 to -169: 0-0
    -170 to -179: 0-0
    -180 to -189: 0-0
    -190 to -199: 0-0
    -200 to -209: 0-0
    -210 to -220: 0-0
    -105 to -101: 4-4 +2.45
    +100 to +109: 9-4 +32.49
    +110 to +119: 2-8 -25.65
    +120 to +129: 1-4 -7.65
    +130 to +139: 3-2 +6.79
    +140 to +149: 3-5 +3.97
    +150 to +159: 1-3 -5.72
    +160 to +169: 1-1 -0.34
    +170 to +179: 0-0
    +180 to +189: 0-0
    +190 to +199: 1-0 +1.95
    +200 to +210: 0-1 -3.00
    Overs: 9-7-1 -3.45
    Unders: 14-10-2 +16.90
    1st 5 Innings (Favs): 0-0
    1st 5 Innings (Dogs): 0-1 -3.00
    Props: 1-1 +2.00


    Braves -166 (4.98 units to win 3 units)
    Rays -210 (4.2 units to win 2 units)
    Royals +106 (5 units to win 5.30 units)
    A's -145 (2.90 units to win 2 units)
    Twins/Angels OVER 8.5 runs (3.3 units to win 3 units)

    Good luck to all!