JoePa's May Day Bayses!

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  • joepa66
    MOD Squad
    • Mar 2007
    • 25000

    JoePa's May Day Bayses!

    Gonna be a real tough week for me, my brother had neck surgery yesterday and flatlined 2x after surgery and they found one artery 100% closed. They had to do emergency surgery and put a stint in....doing better today and thank God he was at the hospital when he crashed......

    UPDATED YTD: 39 - 35
    UNITS: +2.50

    SAN FRANCISCO TALL BOYS -126 vs. Rocks, Paper, Scissors
    LOS ANGELS DOGGERS -153 vs. Asps

    OVEN MITT YTD: 10 - 6

    TORONTO BLUE BIRDS +136 vs. Tribe

    GL to ya!:glass:
    Batman: "If you can't spend it, money's just a lot of worthless paper, isn't it?" :phew:
  • Underdog88
    I drink your milkshake!!!
    • Mar 2007
    • 13981

    GL today JoePa, best wishes/ speedy recovery to your brother. :thumbs:
    Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends...


    • DarkSyde
      Vegas, Baby
      • Mar 2007
      • 73

      Go get em JoePa! Hope you hit :beerbang:

      Best wishes for you bro also
      NCAA Madness 2-2-0

      +0.0 Units

      1 Unit = $25


      • PhillyFan3
        Philly Phanatic
        • Mar 2007
        • 2481

        gl joepa, on the O's as well

        hope everything gets better for your brother and the family
        To A Phillies World Series :beerbang:

        Flyers and Eagles --- its your turn:beerbang:

        1 unit=25 dollars
        2 units=50, etc.. and so on


        • sld007
          • Feb 2007
          • 57

          GL and God Bless....
          "I've stayed friends with most directors I've worked with, and I never have a problem with any other actors, unless they're *******s." -- Sean Connery


          • Ronnie_C
            • Apr 2007
            • 52

            Gl on your plays joe.... But best of luck to your brother, i have alittle brother and once had to pull him out of a pool that he feel on the side and smacked his head pretty good.

            So believe me I understand a brother love!

            Y.T.D: 14-11-2 (+3.90 units)
            YEST: 0-1 (-2.00 units)

            ML favorites: 8-8
            ML underdogs: 1-0
            Over/Unders: 6-2-2

            (Ranking order: Win - Loses - Push)

            New to the site... so ill work my rep up from the bottom!!!

            The "C" stands for Rondibular, Ronalicsious and Senor Ronaldino


            • Katidy
              • Mar 2007
              • 264

              GL jp & prayers for your Brother..:thumbs:
              Baseball stuff...

              Data from USA today matchups...

              Team name....[W/L]...Score...Whip...ERA....BP....AF....IP....P&BP....DIFF..

              P&BP is pitchers & Bull pen score. DIFF is differential value O'all & L3..[New data]..Higher value is indicative of better performance...


              • Whaleydog
                • Mar 2007
                • 874

                GL Joepa, sorry to hear about your brother ,now they have discoverd the problem he should have a much longer healthier life by fixing it before the Big one.My father had a heart attack and it was the best thing for him, they found all kind of blocked arterys fixed them and he lived 15 good years with no heart problems before diabetes took him from us.


                • FlyersFan
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 12128

                  JoeP- GL!...thank heavens it worked out the way it did with your is some scary stuff.....hope all turns out OK for him. How old is he out of curiosity?
                  I am the M'bah a'Flyers Fan !


                  • shorts
                    • Feb 2007
                    • 649

                    GL Bro

                    GL to you Bro and your Bro! The family sends prayers to ya!!

                    Don't forget to keep an eye on yourself in case this runs in the
                    family!!! I know what health nuts us gamblers are!!!!
                    From one beer lover to another! Strohs Beer!

                    Lost all control of my record!! It's a new year Let's see if I can do better! :drunk:


                    • emv01
                      • Mar 2007
                      • 2744

                      GL Joe..Hope your bro has a speedy recovery :beerbang:


                      • joepa66
                        MOD Squad
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 25000

                        Thanks guys....I really appreciate it!:sm:

                        My brother is dad died at 59! He had a triple and quadruply bypass, carotid artery surgery, two strokes, was diabetic, and a sedentary man. Now you know why I'm 6' 172# and ride a bike all the time, don't eat red meat or fried my brother is gonna change too! What an awakening and a hellvua bit of luck for him to be where he was......haven't had a phone call from anybody today so THAT"S GOOD NEWS!
                        Batman: "If you can't spend it, money's just a lot of worthless paper, isn't it?" :phew:


                        • joepa66
                          MOD Squad
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 25000

                          Sorry to keep going dad has been gone for just 10 years. And, when looked in that bed lastnight while holding my brothers hand, I could see my dad....the graying hair, steel blue eyes, etc., damn, that's scarey! But now he at least has a chance to make changes for the good which my dad couldn't or wouldn't do....he loved the sweet stuff and his steak an potatoes. Any my brother, JVB Junior (wouldn't ya know it) has been on the same course for sometime. A carpenter just like dad and working with his hands and mind but NOT exercising his heart or legs......I've been running scared for a long time but that's probably a good thing and I'm not OC about it!
                          Batman: "If you can't spend it, money's just a lot of worthless paper, isn't it?" :phew:


                          • gadfly36
                            • Mar 2007
                            • 6207

                            joepa all my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your brother. Its kinda funny, most of us on this board dont personally know each other but when we hear about one of our bro's with a problem we feel it ourselves. I truly hope everything works out for the best for your brother and you. by the way good luck on your picks. love the mitt and his picks.
                            mlb 2018 157-110 +42.74 2018
                            nfl 2018 54-79-1 -21.4 units 2018
                            mlb 2019 348-245-3 +70.2 units 2019
                            nfl 2019 54-54 -21.2 units 2019
                            mlb 2020 112-75-1 +33.35 units 2020
                            nfl 2020 88-87-3 -8.4 units 2021
                            mlb 2020 playoffs 30-17 +30.6 units 2020
                            nfl playoffs 2020 11-11-1 +25.4 units 2021
                            mlb 2021 271-226 +18.3 units 2021
                            mlb 2022 240-239 -62.9 units as of 10-21-2022
                            mlb 2023 122-103 -9.7 units 2023
                            mlb 2024 15-11 +2.7 units as of 4-13-2024


                            • reignman03
                              • Mar 2007
                              • 487

                              GL Joepa...Both with your picks but more importantly your family situation...Glad to hear everything seems to be coming around for the better today.
                              NCAA Basketball
                              86-66-2... +77.3Units

