First Half (176-207)(-27.22)
Favorites (70-81)(-29.39)
Underdogs (54-73)(-5.16)
Totals (15-11)(+2.92)
Parlays (28-39)(-3.17)
Runlines (12-10)(+3.15)
Overall (179-214)(-31.65)
3-4 dropping 0.87 units. That is a great night for me this season. That is how pathetic I have been. Here are Saturday’s hopefuls. Got home from work early today, so I got those 4:00 starts in. Sorry for the short notice.
Mets -103 vs Atlanta
San Fran +111 vs Pittsburgh
Cubs -110 vs Washington
Florida -122 vs Phillies
Colorado -114 vs San Diego
Texas -112 vs Minnesota
Good Luck Everybody!!
Favorites (70-81)(-29.39)
Underdogs (54-73)(-5.16)
Totals (15-11)(+2.92)
Parlays (28-39)(-3.17)
Runlines (12-10)(+3.15)
Overall (179-214)(-31.65)
3-4 dropping 0.87 units. That is a great night for me this season. That is how pathetic I have been. Here are Saturday’s hopefuls. Got home from work early today, so I got those 4:00 starts in. Sorry for the short notice.
Mets -103 vs Atlanta
San Fran +111 vs Pittsburgh
Cubs -110 vs Washington
Florida -122 vs Phillies
Colorado -114 vs San Diego
Texas -112 vs Minnesota
Good Luck Everybody!!