reg plays 388-360 (+15.88 units)
fave rl's 124-185 (-0.45 units)
overall 512-545 (+15.43 units)
faves who won by 1 run: 50 of 309 (16.18%)
I think today may be the last day for the stupid rl plays, and I'm only playing one today just to try to get back to about even on them. If anything, I think what has been proven is that it's difficult to win by playing favorites on the rl, and that if you like a fave, the ml is probably the better option, which makes sense since the only reason most people lay the ml is "lose the juice", so like with everything else the public loves to do (parlays, teasers, etc), the books make it mathematically difficult to win by doing.
Quite honestly, I believe the good rl plays are the ones where a team is maybe between -110 and -130 on the ml and the -1.5 rl is in the +170 to +200 range. At least there is a worthwhile payout when they win.
Tampon Bay -105
Natinals +110
Phillies -174
KC Royals -107
Flubs -158
Pirates +126
Padres +111
Seattle -160
Florida +158
LA Angels -128
2 units each
Phillies rl +115
1/2 unit
fave rl's 124-185 (-0.45 units)
overall 512-545 (+15.43 units)
faves who won by 1 run: 50 of 309 (16.18%)
I think today may be the last day for the stupid rl plays, and I'm only playing one today just to try to get back to about even on them. If anything, I think what has been proven is that it's difficult to win by playing favorites on the rl, and that if you like a fave, the ml is probably the better option, which makes sense since the only reason most people lay the ml is "lose the juice", so like with everything else the public loves to do (parlays, teasers, etc), the books make it mathematically difficult to win by doing.
Quite honestly, I believe the good rl plays are the ones where a team is maybe between -110 and -130 on the ml and the -1.5 rl is in the +170 to +200 range. At least there is a worthwhile payout when they win.
Tampon Bay -105
Natinals +110
Phillies -174
KC Royals -107
Flubs -158
Pirates +126
Padres +111
Seattle -160
Florida +158
LA Angels -128
2 units each
Phillies rl +115
1/2 unit