reg plays 127-125 (-15.11 units)
fave rl's 40-77 (-9.34 units)
overall 167-202 (-24.45 units)
faves who won by 1 run: 20 of 117 (17.09%)
Baltimore +109
Florida +130
Brewers +104
Flubs -141
White Sux -108
KC Royals -131
KC Royals/Seattle under 10 +100
Pirates +137
SF Giants +141
SF Giants/Colorado over 9.5 +100
LA Dodgers -210
2 units each
Flubs rl +110
White Sux rl +175
Royals rl +150
Dodgers rl -105
1/2 unit each
fave rl's 40-77 (-9.34 units)
overall 167-202 (-24.45 units)
faves who won by 1 run: 20 of 117 (17.09%)
Baltimore +109
Florida +130
Brewers +104
Flubs -141
White Sux -108
KC Royals -131
KC Royals/Seattle under 10 +100
Pirates +137
SF Giants +141
SF Giants/Colorado over 9.5 +100
LA Dodgers -210
2 units each
Flubs rl +110
White Sux rl +175
Royals rl +150
Dodgers rl -105
1/2 unit each