Angels Pitcher Adenhart is killed

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  • JB
    • Feb 2007
    • 4673

    Angels Pitcher Adenhart is killed

    Angels starting pitcher Nick Adenhart was killed in a hit-and-run accident early this morning after pitching in Wednesday night's game, according to several Internet news reports.
    If it ain't fun, don't do it!
  • JB
    • Feb 2007
    • 4673

    Angels' Pitcher, 2 Others Killed In O.C. Crash

    Minivan Allegedly Runs Red Light In Fullerton, Strikes 2 CarsFULLERTON (AP) ―

    Three people, including Angels' Pitcher Nick Adenhart, were killed in a crash in Fullerton.

    Angels pitcher Nick Adenhart was one of three people killed early Thursday morning in a hit-and-run crash in Fullerton.

    The crash took place only hours after the 22-year-old pitcher played in last night's Angels game.

    Police say the driver of a minivan ran a red light in Fullerton and struck two cars, killing three people in a Mitsubishi and critically injuring a passenger.

    Police Lt. Craig Brower says the minivan driver fled the crash scene and was captured a short time later. The driver was arrested and booked for investigation of felony hit-and-run.

    Police say the van ran the red light early Thursday and struck the gray Mitsubishi, which then slammed into a light pole. Two people in the Mitsubishi died instantly, and a third died at a hospital a short time later.

    A fourth occupant was in critical condition at UC Irvine Medical Center in
    If it ain't fun, don't do it!


    • Hoosier
      I Cream for Crean!
      • Mar 2007
      • 195

      terrible news. makes you realize how precious life is. prayers go out to his friends and family. R.I.P.
      MLB '09 YTD (9-1-0) +11.36 Units


      • Daws1089
        • Mar 2007
        • 7814

        thats terrible


        • FlyersFan
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2007
          • 12128

          The **** bag that hit him drove off. I think that they should tie that guy to the bumper of a car and drag him down the street going about 95 MPH and them slam HIM into a light pole. I would be willing to bet Udog's early baseball profits that the guy was drunk too or an illegal. If that's the case i think they should shoot the guy today and be done with it.

          really sad.
          I am the M'bah a'Flyers Fan !


          • Underdog88
            I drink your milkshake!!!
            • Mar 2007
            • 13981

            No doubt the idiot in the minivan was in some sort of altered state/had something to hide. So tragic to see a young life cut so short, along with two others. RIP....
            Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends...


            • FlyersFan
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2007
              • 12128

              2 men sought in death of spectator at Angels game - Los Angeles Times

              i mean talk about a brutal start to a season on and off the field.

              what is really sad is that some jack ass attorney ****ball piece of trash will argue that the guy who killed everyone in the van was somehow a victim and if he was in fact drunk that the police messed up the field test and it should be thrown out and on and on and on.

              this really set me off today for some reason. i think it's the fact that our country is in such a mess because of all the fking losers who went out and bought houses when they shouldn't have, all the people who live on welfare and take money from good hard working people and ****balls like this guy who are wreckless and not paying attention/drunk/drugs whatever. we have such a large population of just complete and utter fking zeroes in this country it's sick. and to see a guy who worked his tail off to do something with his life that he wanted,and to have it taken away by some piece of **** really ticks me off. fking ass hole ran away, i would have shot him in the back 300 times if i were the cop on foot chasing him.
              I am the M'bah a'Flyers Fan !


              • V3r1f13d
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2007
                • 1748


                He pitched his heart out last night, and gave it to the pen with a nice lead.
                Game is cancelled tonight from what I heard.

                It's all over local news...


                • FlyersFan
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 12128

                  Guy was drunk and driving on a suspended liscense. I honestly think we need to start doing what they do in the middle east to people that steal...cut off this fkers arms and legs so he can't drive anymore....:thumbs:
                  I am the M'bah a'Flyers Fan !


                  • V3r1f13d
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2007
                    • 1748

                    You see the kid they caught? Some little cholo. I doubt his parents even speak english.
                    The kid probably wont do more than 15 years, if that.


                    • FlyersFan
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2007
                      • 12128

                      Originally posted by V3r1f13d
                      You see the kid they caught? Some little cholo. I doubt his parents even speak english.
                      The kid probably wont do more than 15 years, if that.
                      I hate cholos.....
                      I am the M'bah a'Flyers Fan !


                      • FlyersFan
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 12128

                        and he's a repeat offender.

                        why do we waste a trial on people like this. shoot his ass and that's that. he is obviously a complete waste of space on this planet. the more of these types of people we rid this country of the better off this country will be.
                        I am the M'bah a'Flyers Fan !


                        • Hoosier
                          I Cream for Crean!
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 195

                          i'm not trying to be insensitive to the situation, but does anyone else think Adenhart's agent, Scott Boras, was really hamming it up with the tears and reaction at the press conference. that's just something i wouldn't put past a scumbag like Boras. trying to profit off a tragedy by looking like he was really close to his player. maybe it's just me being a cynic, but it looked awfully phony to me.
                          MLB '09 YTD (9-1-0) +11.36 Units


                          • NIU Murph
                            • Mar 2008
                            • 113


                            I felt the same way about Boras. My first thought watching him cry was that he was crying because he saw a future contract get killed in that crash rather than a 22-year old kid. I feel terrible allowing myself to think that way, but this guy has presented himself as a money-first guy in all situations without thinking about the fans ever. His client could be making 12 million per year, but if that guy is "worth" 14-15 million, he will do whatever it takes to get the player the extra dough.

                            So, I don't know. Maybe Boras is human after all.



                            • Hoosier
                              I Cream for Crean!
                              • Mar 2007
                              • 195

                              how many clients does Boras have? seems like half the MLB. you have to wonder how much he even knew Adenhart, as i would bet money he has "people" that deal mostly with his lower profile clients, whom i would say Adenhart falls into his lower profile client category. it's just a little weird to see his manager and former teammates, who spent much more time around him than Boras would have, being able to keep it together while Boras who was probably only around to see Adenhart sign on the dotted line cry like a baby.

                              sorry for the rant, if you couldn't tell, i'm not a huge fan of Boras or really any sports agent. i realize their entire job hinges around getting the most money possible but the lengths they go to are just unethical and souless.
                              MLB '09 YTD (9-1-0) +11.36 Units

