Question about Wagering with Pitching Options

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  • forcelite
    • Mar 2007
    • 47

    Question about Wagering with Pitching Options

    I was wondering what all the different wagering options when it comes to pitchers are. For instance has pitching options
    1) Listed
    2) Action
    3) Bettor's
    4) Opposing

    What are all these different options and how does one specify that the listed pitcher must pitch for the bet to be active?

    Thanks all,

  • Daws1089
    • Mar 2007
    • 7814

    listed means the listed pitchers must pitch for the bet to count. Action means it doesnt matter who starts the game at pitcher your bet still counts so in case there is a late scratch you are still locked in to that bet. Bettor's i would think means the team you bet on, their pitcher must start but it doesn't matter if the other pitcher gets scratched. and vise versa for opposing. The opposing teams pitcher that is listed must start but it doesnt matter if the pitcher listed for the team you bet on starts or not. I could be wrong about bettor's and oppsing but that would be my guesses.


    • JohnnyMapleLeaf
      • Feb 2007
      • 8456

      I'd think it would mean this...

      Listed = Both listed starters must pitch for the bet to be live.
      Action = Neither listed starter has to pitch for the bet to be live.
      Bettor's = The team you are backing's listed starter has to pitch for the bet to be live.
      Opposing = The team you are playing against's listed starter has to pitch for the bet to be live.

      I like to play "bettors"....because if my starter comes up lame, the play's value could be screwed, but if the other teams starter comes up bet is now against a (usually) inferior long-reliever.


      • Biff_Tannen
        Think McFly, Think!
        • Nov 2007
        • 2136

        ALWAYS bet with BETTOR'S PITCHER option. Johnny hit the nail on the head.
        "Half of life is luck... the other half is discipline..."

