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This Just In!!!! Mets Get Santana

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Stifler's Mom View Post
    Yes, but stats don't always tell the whole story. He was surrounded by far more offense the last 2 seasons than earlier in his him far more chances for RBI's and such.

    Even so, my point is that he's absolutely on the downside of his career and signing him to a big/long term contract makes no real sense at this point.

    Every time I would watch a Twins game, all he would ever do is whiff with RISP....

    Is that Johan knocking???????????????

    Omar and the agent should beeeeeee :huddle:


    • #62
      Originally posted by CuseFan10 View Post
      I've heard its 6 years at $21.5-22 million plus they are adding 7 million to this year's $13.25 salary so he makes $20 million this year so it's going to be about 7 years (including this one) at $152 million.

      NO WHERE near $26 million, JML.......
      thats pretty damn close to 26 million per year.
      The Mets would be giving him 152 for signing a 6 year extension. (25.33 per year)
      He is already under contract for 2008.

      If you are going to call it a 7-year deal then you need to add in the 14 million he is already scheduled to make this year...making it a 7 year 166 Million deal (Right at 24 Million)

      Either way it goes....he STILL has not signed yet. Why has he not. I can only assume he is not accepting what the Mets are offering. Which means by the time he does sign the thing might really be at 26 Million per year.
      If it ain't fun, don't do it!


      • #63
        Word is Johan Santana has finally joined his agents, Omar and the Wilpons in the meeting and the deal should be signed, sealed and delivered shortly.


        • #64
          Originally posted by JB View Post
          thats pretty damn close to 26 million per year.
          The Mets would be giving him 152 for signing a 6 year extension. (25.33 per year)
          He is already under contract for 2008.

          If you are going to call it a 7-year deal then you need to add in the 14 million he is already scheduled to make this year...making it a 7 year 166 Million deal (Right at 24 Million)

          Either way it goes....he STILL has not signed yet. Why has he not. I can only assume he is not accepting what the Mets are offering. Which means by the time he does sign the thing might really be at 26 Million per year.
          lmao.....exactly what I was thinking...I took corey's post to be essentially 25.33 per....

          Anyway...I said :dunno:
          Last edited by JohnnyMapleLeaf; 02-01-2008, 05:51 PM.


          • #65
            Originally posted by JB View Post
            thats pretty damn close to 26 million per year.
            The Mets would be giving him 152 for signing a 6 year extension. (25.33 per year)
            He is already under contract for 2008.

            If you are going to call it a 7-year deal then you need to add in the 14 million he is already scheduled to make this year...making it a 7 year 166 Million deal (Right at 24 Million)

            6 years x $21.5 million = $129 million
            1 year @ $13.25 + $7 million = $20.25 million

            $129 = $21.25 = $149.25 million at 7 total years (this year, plus 6 more)

            What kind of math are you two doing???????????????? :dunno:

            Say, they make it $22 million and it's just another $3 million total for my guess of $152.25 million over 7 years.
            Last edited by CuseFan10; 02-01-2008, 05:55 PM.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Stifler's Mom View Post
              So, they basically don't lose anything at all from last year's staff, if you just insert a healthy Liriano in Santana's spot.
              I forgot about Liriano...good point!
              It'll be ineteresting to see if he is the same dominant pitcher he was before the Tommy John...


              • #67
                Originally posted by JB View Post
                The Mets would be giving him 152 for signing a 6 year extension. (25.33 per year)
                See, here's where I disagree. I don't believe for one second they are giving him a 6 year deal for $152 but we shall see...

                I don't care what they pay that man, just pay him, pay dat man his moooooney..... :beerbang:


                • #68
                  Originally posted by CuseFan10 View Post

                  I don't care what they pay that man, just pay him, pay dat man his moooooney..... :beerbang:
                  Cuse - Is that a Rounders reference i see?:thumbs:


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by coreyschucky View Post
                    Cuse - Is that a Rounders reference i see?:thumbs:

                    he tricked me.

                    I'm gonna make myself a screwdriver in honor #57 coming to town. :thumbs:

                    Los Mets!!!!!! Ha.


                    • #70
                      Tick Tock

                      30 minutes left.
                      Santana's agent has Omar by the


                      • #71
                        Santana is officially a New York Met. He'll be taking a physical tomorrow. No word on the contract yet other then it has been signed. Great day for the Mets!!!!!:thumbs:


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by coreyschucky View Post
                          Santana is officially a New York Met. He'll be taking a physical tomorrow. No word on the contract yet other then it has been signed. Great day for the Mets!!!!!:thumbs:



                          Johan, Petey, Maine, Ollie, and Duque :thumbs:


                          • #73
                            Congrats :beerbang:

                            Bosox & Yanks...tough luck


                            • #74
                              Going back to the first page, it isn't contracts like Santana's that ruined baseball, it is guys like Ted ******* Lilly gettin $10 million per, Barry "I'm the epitome of average" Zito getting $13 million or so per and players like Glavine and Delgado getting enormous amounts of money for things they did many years ago, as well as closers(the dumbest "position" in all of sports) getting paid like starters.
                              Last edited by NittanyLions94; 02-02-2008, 01:03 AM.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by CuseFan10 View Post

                                6 years x $21.5 million = $129 million
                                1 year @ $13.25 + $7 million = $20.25 million

                                $129 = $21.25 = $149.25 million at 7 total years (this year, plus 6 more)

                                What kind of math are you two doing???????????????? :dunno:

                                Say, they make it $22 million and it's just another $3 million total for my guess of $152.25 million over 7 years.
                                Is this the point where I say I was nearly EXACTLY right or should JML still throw out some arbitrary $26-27 million numbers???? :laughing:

                                $27 million a year, yea Minny shove it up your ass when the Mets gave up 4 "top" (****ty) prospects, hahaahaha. If he stays healthy this is the biggest fleecing of all time and if he doesn't who could have seen a fastball/change-up pitcher getting hurt, no one........

                                :beerbang: :thumbs:

