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This Just In!!!! Mets Get Santana

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  • #46
    26 for 6 years is fair.
    4.3 a year for Santana is more than fair.


    • #47
      The deal will get done today. At the moment there $20 million apart and still discussing the length of the deal. Almost everyone in baseball agrees the deal will get done by 5PM today.


      • #48
        Originally posted by CuseFan10 View Post
        Heyman saying Johan wants $26 million for 6 years and the Mets are offering $21.5 million.
        ! 27 hypothesis doesn't sound so far fetched!

        I in the middle at 24, like I originally thought it would end up at

        Man, this would be sweet if they couldn't sign him though...that would be too funny :laughing: What is the record for consecutive hard-ons lost?


        • #49
          Basically Santana won't get 26 he'll get somewhere around $24mill plus a huge signing bonus to make up for the 14 or so million he's making this year. The Mets will give him reachable incentives which will allow him to get his 6th and 7th years guaranteed. This deal will be done. There is no way Omar Minaya and Fred Wilpon can turn to the fans and say we couldn't afford him now. Especially after they've raised ticket prices this year significantly without making any moves till now.


          • #50
            I read a nice blog where they compared the bringing in of pitchers via trade or free agency between Omar Minaya, Theo Epstein and Brian Cashman. Now there are some players discarded in the comparison but this is basically what you got. It doesn't talk about the great draft picks of Cashman and Epstein but man the comparison is strikingly bad for the Yankees.


            Randy Johnson
            Javier Vasquez
            Kei Igawa
            Kevin Brown
            Carl Pavano

            Red Sox:

            Curt Schilling
            Daisuke Matsuzaka
            Bronson Arroyo
            Hideki Okajima
            Josh Beckett


            Pedro Martinez
            Tom Glavine
            Johan Santana
            Oliver Perez
            John Maine


            • #51



              • #52
                Originally posted by JohnnyMapleLeaf View Post

                Knowing the Mets the deal will be completed at 4:59 PM giving all Mets fans the most anxiety and stress possible.


                • #53
                  According to Heyman the deal is currently looking like this:

                  6 years $22 million a year
                  Mets add $7 million to his current contract this season

                  This puts the deal at roughly around $152 million which is what the Union is pushing for in order to set the prices for pitchers in the future at a higher level.


                  • #54
                    I didn't read the whole thread (so i don't know if this was mentioned), but one thought that comes to mind, is that don't forget, the Twins get Liriano back this year, possibly to start the season already if all goes well.

                    So, they basically don't lose anything at all from last year's staff, if you just insert a healthy Liriano in Santana's spot.

                    Plus, the Twins produce players, not buy them. They must see something they can work with and are excited about in the kids they got.

                    Letting Torii go was the best thing they could have done too. His production has been dropping and he always seems to be injured in some way. Signing him to a huge deal would have been D-U-M-B.


                    • #55
                      stiff- the twins also lost garza in a trade this offseason.


                      • #56
                        According to Jon Heyman MLB will grant the Mets an extension to work out a deal with Santana if it's not reached by 5PM.


                        • #57
                          MLB has granted the Mets a 2 hr extension.


                          • #58
                            I've heard its 6 years at $21.5-22 million plus they are adding 7 million to this year's $13.25 salary so he makes $20 million this year so it's going to be about 7 years (including this one) at $152 million.

                            NO WHERE near $26 million, JML.......


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Stifler's Mom View Post
                              Letting Torii go was the best thing they could have done too. His production has been dropping and he always seems to be injured in some way. Signing him to a huge deal would have been D-U-M-B.
                              While I agree signing him to the type of 5 year $90 million deal the Angels did is insane, Hunter had a career high 107 RBI's last season and hit .287 (his career high is .289). Don't really think that can be considered as production dropping. Offensively, his past two seasons are two of his 3-4 best of his entire career.


                              • #60
                                Yes, but stats don't always tell the whole story. He was surrounded by far more offense the last 2 seasons than earlier in his him far more chances for RBI's and such.

                                Even so, my point is that he's absolutely on the downside of his career and signing him to a big/long term contract makes no real sense at this point.

                                Every time I would watch a Twins game, all he would ever do is whiff with RISP....

