2007 MLB Futures Playoffs Discussion...

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  • Hoosier
    I Cream for Crean!
    • Mar 2007
    • 195

    2007 MLB Futures Playoffs Discussion...

    ok guys the playoffs are upon us so that means a lot of people are gonna give bases one more shot. the NL field is not officially set as of me typing this but it looks as if the Padres will hold on to win the WC while the Phillies will be winning the NL East.

    i'm looking at a couple plays that i feel bring the most value.

    D-backs to win the W.S.: 7/1
    Angels to win the W.S.: 6/1

    obviously all of the futures are not out yet because the field is not officially finalized but these are a couple that i'm thinking of playing. i'm basically just gonna ramble on some random thoughts i have and see if it sparks anything from anyone else.

    in the NL:
    i really love the D-backs mix of veterans and youth, pitching and offense, and IMO Webb is the best pitcher in the post-season maybe with the exception of Peavy. I really think the D-backs will easily handle the Cubbies. Webb can pitch twice in the series if need be and if the D-backs can win those 2, i'll take my chances that the best team record wise in the NL can beat the Cubs once in 3 tries. IMO it's Padres vs. D-Backs in the NLCS.
    the Phillies are a great story but that offense will be shut down if they are forced to face Peavy twice and possibly C. Young in the NLDS. bullpen, bullpen, bullpen, bullpen for the Phillies. the Padres offense won't be great but good enough IMO.
    in what would be the best series of the post-season IMO, the D-backs show the grit that lead them to the best record in the NL in beating the Padres in a tough, 7 game, divisional rivalry series.

    in the AL:
    i really love the 1,2 punch of Sabathia and Carmona for the Indians, BUT, the Yankees just own the Indians winning all 6 games from them in the regular season. the Yankees pitching staff hasn't been great but if that offense can establish a lead, the combo of Chamberlain and Rivera is gonna be tough to overcome. i like the Yankees to beat the Indians in 4.
    i love the Angels style of ball for the postseason. the can run, mash, hit and run, manufacture runs, etc, etc. IMO almost all these games are 1 run, close games. the Angels have the most reliable bullpen in all of baseball so if they get a lead, they're tough to beat. the combo of Beckett and Schilling might be tough but i've just got a gut feeling at least one of them doesn't perform. IMO it's Yankees vs. Angels in the ALCS.
    no question there isn't anyone the Yankees probably fear more than the Angels. Angels will have home field and it will be huge as the Angels will have just enough pitching to win, beating the Yankees in 6 as i see it.

    So in perfect world its D-backs vs. Angels in the W.S.. thoughts? comments? i really hope i don't post this and then the Mets come back or the Padres blow the lead...haha
    MLB '09 YTD (9-1-0) +11.36 Units
  • V3r1f13d
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2007
    • 1748

    I just don't think the Angels have it this year. I really feel that Boston, Cleveland, and Philly (if it comes down to that) can make the Angels look average. I am already worried about us playing Boston, as we have always had trouble against that ball club. We can crush anyone in the NL, except for Philly, that would be a great WS, but I just don't see us going to the WS this year.

    In regards of playing it, I have 2 futures alive placed before the season. Cleveland at 30 to 1 and Philly at 16 to 1, half a unit on both. So if either hits I'm a happy camper :)

    I will defiantely be rooting for the Angel's, but damn...its going to be a VERY tough post season.


    • Hoosier
      I Cream for Crean!
      • Mar 2007
      • 195

      it's definitely gonna be tough V3 and i appreciate your perspective from someone who follows the team closely. i'm curious to know how you see Lackey pitching, because he's never pitched well vs. Boston, especially in Boston. are the Angels gonna be using Colon out of the bullpen? i just feel the Angels style of baseball is the most conducive to winning in the postseason.

      of course SD has blown their lead, so if the Rockies win and the SD score holds, we've got a 1 game playoff baby.
      MLB '09 YTD (9-1-0) +11.36 Units


      • V3r1f13d
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2007
        • 1748

        All of our pitchers have trouble with Boston. If we can get Santana or Escobar on the mound at night then we are OK. They are both great night time pitchers. Lackey just needs to come through and he has pitched great this year. My problem with Lackey is that he has trouble getting out of jams. As long as the bases are clear he's OK, but put someone one 1st and 2nd with no outs and we are in for a LONG inning. Lackey has given up the majority of runs in the 5th (Lackey's famous 5th), so if he can cruise through the 5the with a low pitch count (50-60) then we are good for the game.

        Our bullpen isnt what it used to be. Mike made some great moves to make it what it is right now. Oliver is stepping up way more than anyone expected him to. Shields went from our 8th inning reliever to pretty much nothing in Septemeber. He has no role right now, but I am sure we are going to use him. Boton and Oakland both have Shields number, so it wouldnt be too smart to use him in that series.

        Everyone has such high hopes for the Angel's, but believe me...the avid Angel fans know that we could be in for a world of mess. But hey, its the playoffs, don't mean to use the same old cheesy line but anything can happen.

        Mike needs to make a solid 1-9, and our bullpen has to pitch solid. If our club plays our best ball, against everyone elses best ball, we've got it hands down. Colon went as a reliever last night, 1 IP with no hits. Looks good up there. Ha, to take a cy young and put him in as a reliever is pretty much lights out.

        We only need a 4 man for the first round and a 5 man for the rest.
        Lackey, Esco, Saunders, Weaver in my opinion.
        Santana for home night games if we need the 5th.


        • Hoosier
          I Cream for Crean!
          • Mar 2007
          • 195

          great insight V3...that's why this forum is gold

          any avid D-back fans here to tell me if they agree or disagree with my gut feeling?

          the Phils have just won the NL east and if the Rockies win it looks like there will be a 1 game playoff btw SD and the Rocks.
          MLB '09 YTD (9-1-0) +11.36 Units


          • V3r1f13d
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2007
            • 1748

            6 to 1 does sound about right though. A little action never hurt anyone one, go for it :beerbang:


            • NittanyLions94
              Resident PSU Supporter
              • Feb 2007
              • 2916

              I forget who did it last year(I want to say Larry but I can't be sure) but they did a chase system with the dog in each series. They played whomever the dog was to profit 1 unit, and chased until the 1 unit was profited and then got out of that series. It worked in every series(I believe) and didn't take too long in most of them. I think I'm going to look in to that for the playoffs.

              And all I want to see in the playoffs is A-Rod go 50-50 with 50 HRs and hit a walk-off in every game of the WS, then leave town with both middle fingers straight in the air.:beerbang:


              • BoilerBacker
                Big 10 Commish/Moderator
                • Mar 2007
                • 25475

                Originally posted by NittanyLions94
                I forget who did it last year(I want to say Larry but I can't be sure) but they did a chase system with the dog in each series. They played whomever the dog was to profit 1 unit, and chased until the 1 unit was profited and then got out of that series. It worked in every series(I believe) and didn't take too long in most of them. I think I'm going to look in to that for the playoffs.

                And all I want to see in the playoffs is A-Rod go 50-50 with 50 HRs and hit a walk-off in every game of the WS, then leave town with both middle fingers straight in the air.:beerbang:

                EW...you make me want to puke. I want to see Cleveland beat the Yanks 15-1 every game.

                Anyone thinking of playing Cleveland in the first game should consider playing CLE in the series. Right now the first game is Cle a small home dog, but the series is CLE around +175. If Cle wins you will be able to hedge your play for a guaranteed profit in game two with NYY as I think they will go to about +100. And Carmona vs. ?? will still be attractive in game 2.

                I think Cle and either Col or SD vs Philly will make good series plays.
                Go Boilers!
                Thru 2/19

                NCAAB 558-493-13 -7.28 units
                2* 7-7
                3* 105-81-4
                4* 2-0
                1H 206-197-4
                2H 238-208-5


                • dananderson32
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2007
                  • 2748

                  LETS GO TRIBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.......ill be decked out in my tribe gear for thursday.........
                  ****all plays 4.4 units to win 4 units unless otherwise noted****

                  NBA 20-22 -16.8 units
                  NHL 1-0 +4.0 units
                  MLB 0-1 -4.8 units
                  CFB 12-6-1 +21.6 units

