Chris Benoit and family found dead in home

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  • homedawg
    • Feb 2007
    • 7689

    Benoit "loving person," ex-wife says

    Chris Benoit's former wife, Martina Benoit, said the star wrestler "was the most loving person anyone could imagine. I love him."

    Reached at her home in Ardrossan, Alberta, Canada, Benoit called reporting of the killings in Fayette County "crap." She did not elaborate before ending the call.



    • JohnnyMapleLeaf
      • Feb 2007
      • 8456

      Originally posted by Nigel Tufnel
      I think that beerman was referring to the fact that every single person that was close to Benoit has unequivocally stated that he was one of the nicest and reserved people they had ever met. Let's face it...who was around Benoit more? Fellow wrestlers or his family? Those guys are on the road like 300-320 days a year. I watched a little of Nancy Grace last night (boy, she's a winner) and Chris Jericho was interviewed. Jericho and Benoit were together in Japan, ECW, WCW and WWE and were best of friends. He said that Benoit never raised his voice, never got angry and would actually be the peacemaker in any situations that got out of hand. He said he never could have believed Benoit was capable of something like he did. He did say that roids might have had something to do with what happened, but he believed Benoit had some major psychological issues which were never brought to the surface in the 15 some odd years they were best friends and on the road together.

      Now, that's not to say that Benoit didn't go home and act totally differently in the privacy of his own home. Nancy Benoit did file for divorce and a restraining order in 03 or 04...but she later dismissed it. In my line of work, I see a lot of restraining orders...a lot of them are spouse (almost always the woman) trying to get a "leg up" on the custody battle that will occur through the divorce. Clearly, it seems that Nancy's petition had merit...but she dismissed it nonetheless.

      Its just strange that NOBODY but Nancy saw the violent side of would think that if he had it in him to kill his wife, child and himself, that at some point over the past...say 10 years...someone would have seen at least ONE violent tendency from the guy....but it never happened.

      Guess that's what makes this situation so bizarre.
      Yeah...but I think that has a lot to do with trying to remember the good sides of people...especcially on that tribute show. What are they going to say? "yeah...chris was a pretty good guy, really had your back... but he could sure fly off the ******* handle sometimes! What a nut." I don't think so. Maybe he did, maybe not. I really don't know...but I know that I don't take that tribute, or "after the fact" TV interviews too seriously. It's not a popular thing to kick a dead man while he's literally down....especially a friend. I know if some of my acquantances, who were known to get real drunk and start fights, ever died....during my TV segment, I would probably say he was a "fun, wild guy" instead of a "mean drunk who pushed the limit".

      Benoit, like most of the wrestlers that come out of Canada, trained at the "dungeon" in Calgary with Stu and Bruce Hart and the rest of the Hart family in Calgary. This is Bruce's take on Chris (it was on the front page of the Toronto and Calgary Sun newspapers today with the HUGE headline "Juice Freak".) - Canada - 'Freak'
      Last edited by JohnnyMapleLeaf; 06-29-2007, 05:40 PM.


      • homedawg
        • Feb 2007
        • 7689

        Originally posted by Nigel Tufnel
        An anonymous user operating a computer traced to Stamford, Conn. — home to World Wrestling Entertainment — posted an entry to pro wrestler Chris Benoit's biography on announcing the death of his wife Nancy about 14 hours before police in suburban Atlanta said they found her body along with her husband's and that of their 7-year-old son, has learned.

        Employees at said the posting went live on their site on Monday at 12:01 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Police, however, said they found the bodies Monday at 2:30 p.m. EDT.'s computers are set to record Standard and Universal Time, a spokesman told

        The posting reads: “Chris Benoit was replaced by [[Johnny Nitro]] for the ECW Championship match at Vengeance, as Benoit was not there due to personal issues, stemming from the death of his wife Nancy.”

        The posting was apparently made in reference to Benoit's scheduled appearance on Sunday night at an Extreme Championship Wrestling event in Texas, with the last phrase noted in red to indicate an edit made to the original entry.

        An employee from told that he called and left a message with investigative authorities in Fayetteville, Ga., at around 11 a.m. EDT on Tuesday, after the posting was brought to the attention of the St. Petersburg, Fla.-based Web site.

        “I chat with other editors on IRC -- Internet relay chat -- and somebody pointed it out to me on a relay chat and that it came from a Stamford connection, and that it took place at midnight Eastern Standard Time on Monday morning,” said volunteer coordinator Cary Bass. “I called and left a message with the police department.”

        The computer-generated time and date stamp of the Benoit entry are listed as 4:01, 25 June 2007. lists its entries according to Universal Time, also known as Greenwich Mean Time.

        A message left by with Lt. Tommy Pope of the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department was not immediately returned.

        Investigators so far have ruled the Benoit killings as a double homicide-suicide. claims to be one of the largest reference Web sites, and is written collaboratively by users from around the world. Approved users can make submissions and change entries that are posted on the site almost immediately. Bass said the site is constantly monitored to correct inaccuracies.

        Bass said when there is a high-profile case, such as the Benoit killlings, limits postings to registered users, which is now indicated at the top of the Benoit entry. According to the listed history on the Benoit entry, the computer used to post the 12:01 a.m. entry had a Stamford, Conn., Internet Protocol — or IP — address, a numeric designation that is assigned to every computer with an Internet connection, and that same address has been used to post about a dozen other messages on the site, dating back to May 16, 2007.
        :ohman:ya go out and kill your wife and son, then tell the whole world????

        no way!:beer2:


        • homedawg
          • Feb 2007
          • 7689

          ATLANTA -- Investigators are looking into who altered Canadian pro wrestler Chris Benoit's Wikipedia entry to mention his wife's death 14 hours before authorities found the bodies of the couple and their 7-year-old son in their Atlanta home.



          • Nigel Tufnel
            • Feb 2007
            • 616

            Originally posted by JohnnyMapleLeaf
            Yeah...but I think that has a lot to do with trying to remember the good sides of people...especcially on that tribute show. What are they going to say? "yeah...chris was a pretty good guy, really had your back... but he could sure fly off the ******* handle sometimes! What a nut." I don't think so. Maybe he did, maybe not. I really don't know...but I know that I don't take that tribute, or "after the fact" TV interviews too seriously. It's not a popular thing to kick a dead man while he's literally down....especially a friend. I know if some of my acquantances, who were known to get real drunk and start fights, ever died....during my TV segment, I would probably say he was a "fun, wild guy" instead of a "mean drunk who pushed the limit".

            Benoit, like most of the wrestlers that come out of Canada, trained at the "dungeon" in Calgary with Stu and Bruce Hart and the rest of the Hart family in Calgary. This is Bruce's take on Chris (it was on the front page of the Toronto and Calgary Sun newspapers today with the HUGE headline "Juice Freak".)

   - Canada - 'Freak'
            Fair enough....good points. But I still think there would be more stories about violent behavior from other wrestlers. Bruce Hart openly admitted that he hadn't seen much of Benoit. And lest we forget, the Hart family HATES the WWE because of what Vince did to Bret Hart. I don't know...this testimonial means less to me than every wrestler who has commented about how shocked they are. Wrestlers may have the tightest knit family ever..but there are enough wrestlers who have been fired by the WWE and would be happy to pile on Benoit...yet it hasn't happened.

            Hopefully we'll find out soon enough...the toxicology report should answer all these mysteries...or...quite possibly they won't.
            "You come at the King, you best not miss." Omar

