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  • DJTranks
    The DJ
    • Mar 2007
    • 36

    Hey everyone-->

    Hey guys, it's been a long time since I have been around the forums, but wanted to see how everyone was doing!

    Life for me has been good, right now I work for a large newspaper company doing network administration back in my hometown of Cuse so that has been great. It's good to be back with family and friends.

    I hope all of you are doing well, let me know what's been going on with you guys.

  • joepa66
    MOD Squad
    • Mar 2007
    • 25000

    Whaddup Deege!:yahoo:

    Glad to hear you are doing well and working for a bunch of news hacks! LMAO! :laughing:
    And also to back in your old stomping grounds......that's always a plus. I did the same after gypsying around the south for 12 years and came back after my dad passed away, but have to say the move was good for my little ones.

    On the board I'm not doing to well in college foots but had lots of fun with golf. Check me out this Friday at 7PM on wjer radio, just google the web site and I'll give ya a shout to Cuse and welcome ya back. It's the Dover/New Phila game......

    GREAT TO SEE YA!:thumbs:


    :out: ...LMFAO!
    Batman: "If you can't spend it, money's just a lot of worthless paper, isn't it?" :phew:


    • DJTranks
      The DJ
      • Mar 2007
      • 36

      Hey joepa!

      Good to see you on here!

      That's cool you're doing radio, I did some college radio which was a ton of fun! I won't be home friday night, but thanks :P

      Hopefully college football will pick up for you, but college basketball starts soon so you should be good to go.


      • Kevin
        Red Hot and Rollin'
        • Feb 2007
        • 11875

        Howdy DJ,

        Good to hear that you're alive and kickin. Nothing new here except for the fact I cant pick my nose in either nfl/ncaa this year. Lotsa big favs winning which aint my style. Oh well, it's a long season.

        Good to see you back man.


        • FlyersFan
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2007
          • 12128

          the DJ's in the house............:party:

          dude- only 10,600 posts to catch me.....you can do that by sunday.....:beerbang:

          glad all is well.......i'm in semi gambling retirement...mostly just playing some hockey.....don't get the boner from sports gambling at all like i used to.....unless im in vegas or reno or somewhere.

          and if you need your driveway shoveled, make sure you call dananderson....he really could use the work....:blackeye:....he's out of buffalo.....:hide: (by the way, since cuse isn't coming around anymore can we talk about buffalo again....:dunno:)
          Last edited by FlyersFan; 10-28-2009, 05:13 PM.
          I am the M'bah a'Flyers Fan !


          • DJTranks
            The DJ
            • Mar 2007
            • 36

            Originally posted by Kevin
            Howdy DJ,

            Good to hear that you're alive and kickin. Nothing new here except for the fact I cant pick my nose in either nfl/ncaa this year. Lotsa big favs winning which aint my style. Oh well, it's a long season.

            Good to see you back man.
            Thanks, good to hear from you Kevin.

            Yeah NFL and favs always seem to go together :P

            Hope all is well with you,



            • DJTranks
              The DJ
              • Mar 2007
              • 36

              Originally posted by FlyersFan
              the DJ's in the house............:party:

              dude- only 10,600 posts to catch me.....you can do that by sunday.....:beerbang:

              glad all is well.......i'm in semi gambling retirement...mostly just playing some hockey.....don't get the boner from sports gambling at all like i used to.....unless im in vegas or reno or somewhere.

              and if you need your driveway shoveled, make sure you call dananderson....he really could use the work....:blackeye:....he's out of buffalo.....:hide: (by the way, since cuse isn't coming around anymore can we talk about buffalo again....:dunno:)
              Hey Flyers!

              Yeah me too, just working and trying to have as much fun as possible, it's not like the old days where this stuff would take up my time :P

              Yeah Buffalo is rough! Cuse is enough for me in the winter, forget Buffalo though lol.

              Hope everything else is going well with you.



              • Q-Unit
                Offensive Coordinator
                • Feb 2007
                • 5184

                Hey DJ :thumbs:

                whats new?

                good to see ya

                hope everything is great bro

                "Schooly D is fat cake yo."
                -Big Pimpin-


                • DJTranks
                  The DJ
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 36

                  Hey Q!

                  Not to much, just been working, doing the usual!

                  Hope all is well with you,



                  • Larry
                    Captain (Moderator)
                    • Feb 2007
                    • 2273



                    • yomonte
                      • Feb 2007
                      • 3563

                      Hey bro, last I heard you got married and quit posting. Hope all is well my brutha
                      If its fun, do it


                      • DJTranks
                        The DJ
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 36

                        Thanks Larry lol.


                        Yeah life was crazy at that point in my life, things have settled down, but still busy. I hope everything is going well with you.



                        • Jerbeek
                          • Feb 2007
                          • 1817

                          Hey DJ, glad to see you around, hope you don't crash the server - LOL. Good luck in the newspaper business, hopefully the newspapers will be able to survive for awhile. I deliver the local paper 1 day a week here and like the extra loot but I think the newspaper industry is a dying breed.


                          • DJTranks
                            The DJ
                            • Mar 2007
                            • 36

                            Hey Jerbeek!

                            Good to see you, I won't crash the servers :P

                            The good thing for our newspaper is we are one of the biggest in the country and they also run on the web and that is big for them so things are good here, but I hear what you are saying!

                            I think in time internet will take the market and the actual paper could die out as you said, but we will see.

                            Hope all is well,



                            • JB
                              • Feb 2007
                              • 4673

                              DJ don't ya play nuttin slow.....


                              Yo.....what up man?
                              Glad to hear all is well in your world!!

                              Its been a long time....try staying around.....lmao....
                              If it ain't fun, don't do it!

