Special report: The Emmys

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  • daft_picks
    • Nov 2007
    • 357

    Special report: The Emmys

    This doesn't really belong here forum wise but seeing as this is the only place I post I figured it should go here. Many online books offer odds on award shows, and I have found these to be WAY more predictable than sports. Can never guarantee but I have usually come out on top when betting award shows. My emmy picks for this year: (lines taken from sportsbook and Sportsinteraction, whichever was best)

    Best Drama - Mad Men -125 2* W +1.6 units
    The show that won last year has done nothing but improve, and while the field boast 7! choices this year I think voters will have the least to object to over shows like Big Love, Damages, Dexter, Breaking bad etc. Have to pay juice but I like Mad Men to repeat.

    Best Drama Actor - John Hamm (Mad Men) +260 2* L - 2 units
    Slight personal bias, however Mad Men is the latest Emmy darling but Hamm has never won for best actor. A great show and performance, read up on submitted espisode and voters may connect more with it than current favorite Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad) who is looking to repeat. I like Hamm's chances very much this year especially at these odds.

    Best Comedy Actor - Steve Carrell (The Office) +250 L -1 unit
    Alec Baldwin is the favorite for oft-awarded 30 Rock but I really like Carrell's chances this year. His episode submission has garnered great buzz and he has never won this award despite multiple nominations. His character is truly more touching than Baldwin's and I will take a shot at these odds.

    Best Actress Comedy - Toni Collette (United States of Tara) +300 W +3 units
    Newcomer to this category is up against stiff competition from heavy favorite Tina Fey but Toni Collette brings a new pedigree to this field as the only Oscar winner. Her new show doesn't have the popularity of 30 rock but is immensly relatable and the pilot that was submitted as her episode could win over many votes. I like her chances at the upset, but would not be surprised to see Fey take it.

    Best Actress Drama - Glen Close (Damages) +125, Kyra Sedgwick (The Closer) +350 1-1 +.25 units
    I think one of these 2 actresses will win. Close looks to repeat but Sedgwick is a popular character on a show that some think does not get enough recognition and could decide to give it to her. Sally Fields also has a shot here but I don't think she will take it. If there is one category to avoid it may be this one.

    I am passing on the other categories although I may throw down a late bet on The Office as best comedy at +450. I'm putting 1-2 units per bet, often the bettor limits are pretty low so your risk will not be substantial. Just wanted to pass along what I thought could be some good money making opportunities as some of you members have done with me time and time again. Please remember nothing is for certain though and I could be totally off, but I think the odds make these all good bets. :thumbs:
    Last edited by daft_picks; 09-20-2009, 10:11 PM.
  • Nigel Tufnel
    • Feb 2007
    • 616

    Good luck with your picks. The only guy I really would like to see win is Aaron Paul for best supporting actor in a drama. His performance in the 2nd season of Breaking Bad was masterful. Watching him spiral downward from heroin...and how the season ended....just awesome television.

    Of course, the Emmy's can suck a bag of dicks for all I care....any award show that managed not to even nominate The Wire in any of its 5 seasons...especially Season 4....is a joke, IMHO. That show will go down in television history as one of, if not, the greatest drama ever put on the small screen....and not one nomination for best series. At that point, I seriously stopped caring or watching the Emmys.
    "You come at the King, you best not miss." Omar


    • daft_picks
      • Nov 2007
      • 357

      I really need to watch Breaking Bad, have heard nothing but good things. I agree the Emmys can be total nonsense The Wire was one of THE best shows EVER made and never got any recognition. Feel you on that very much. And sorry your boy Paul lost to the dude from Lost. Talk about an overrated show, yeesh.

      Missed a few and laid off some of the easy ones due to bad odds but still managed to cash almost 2 units! Should have put more on Toni Collette.

      Next awards show I'll be back with my picks, usually don't win big but almost always end up on top. :thumbs:
      GO TITANS!

