Internet Gambling is over...........

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  • beermantm
    Mad Man!!!!
    • Mar 2007
    • 213

    Internet Gambling is over...........

    Well they just put the final nail in the coffin. It is official that the internet will never be the same. Pull your money and drop your affiliates.
    I have 3 rules:

    1) Never get less than 12 hours sleep
    2) Never play poker against a guy that has the same name as a city.
    3) Never date chicks that have tattoos of daggers.
  • Kevin
    Red Hot and Rollin'
    • Feb 2007
    • 11786



    • Kevin
      Red Hot and Rollin'
      • Feb 2007
      • 11786

      Are you referring to this? if so, this is a good thing. Democrats are gonna change a ton of ****, this gambling thing included.

      Did Congress Just Legalize Online Gambling?
      Submitted by C Costigan on Thu, 11/13/2008 - 12:27.

      Did Congress just legalize online gambling? That's what one columnist for the Kansas City Star Gaming Blog believes.

      Federal regulations issued Wednesday to enforce a law passed two years ago by Congress aimed at outlawing internet gambling might achieve precisely the opposite effect, Rick Alm of the Star points out.

      The reason: The rule exempts intrastate cyber gambling that is authorized by sovereign states or tribes. The rules also exempt individual gamblers from enforcement, baring the government's regulatory teeth only at commercial gambling companies that operate cyber casinos and cyber bookie joints.

      And as has already reported, the regulations do not define what "illegal online gambling" is. That's left up to the financial institutions who, if Congress couldn't define what "illegal online gambling" is, the banks won't be able to either.

      Conflict of interest charges have been levied due to the perceived influence of a White House operative and former lobbyist for the National Football League that has long opposed internet sports betting as a threat to its integrity.

      As Alm rightfully points out: "What a mess!"

      For online gamblers and the operators, there was a bit more good news contained in these regulations. They don't become effective for another year (December 2009) which allows plenty of time for a repeal from the likes of Congressman Barney Frank and The Interactive Media Entertainment & Gaming Association, which is now challenging the UIGEA policy enforcement in the US courts.

      Christopher Costigan, Publisher


      • homedawg
        • Feb 2007
        • 7689

        Internet gambling is illegal? Why is it legal to gamble in Vegas, but Vegas don't have an online sportsbook? Millions of dollars gambled daily online, where is the money going?
        Vegas is hurting right now, Sales are down, all around that city! Vegas stocks are in the ****ter, PGIC was over $129. a couple years ago, hit .05cents today. I jumped on that as soon as I saw it! LVS another one falling like a rock! +many more...

