Who in the hell was a part of this?

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  • dananderson32
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2007
    • 2748

    Originally posted by Nigel Tufnel
    Those figures are staggering, HomeDawg. I've got a 4 year old, 2 year old and 9 month old....its hectic now, but I don't even want to think about what the hell is going to happen when they are all in college at the same time. From the time they can understand it, I'm going to have to tell them that they better work hard enough to earn scholarships or grants, otherwise.....well, I don't know what otherwise is.

    While many may not agree with me on this...my feeling is that as a parent, I have to teach my children how important grades are....I don't want to put undue stress on them...but, even though my wife and I make decent money, there is no way we will be able to afford paying for all of them to go through college. My parents helped some...but I also graduated college and law school with a pretty hefty amount of debt. I want to be able to help them...but if they think we are going to pay for them to party in college while they attend 6 or 7 years of undergraduate schooling, they've got another thing coming. Helping is one thing....but they're going to have to learn that they are also going to be responsible.

    My parenting woes have only just begun...but I wouldn't change it for anything when those three little angels look me in the eye.
    i agree with what i bolded but i think also that once you instill how important they are that it comes down to your son or daughter and how much they want the good grades for those scholarships etc.....also i applied to all out of state schools except one school in-state a state university, when your children are done with high school id seriously look into an in-state university that's a state school, i didn't want to go to the school i go to now but to not to have 1 dollar of undergrad debt when i graduate next spring is something im grateful for everyday for going to school where i do, i pay in the single digits in thousands a year for undergrad and its crazy some kids pay 30k a year for undergrad
    ****all plays 4.4 units to win 4 units unless otherwise noted****

    NBA 20-22 -16.8 units
    NHL 1-0 +4.0 units
    MLB 0-1 -4.8 units
    CFB 12-6-1 +21.6 units


    • V3r1f13d
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2007
      • 1748

      I wish I had solid stats on abortions...see if those increased as well. Or was there a decrease, thus causing the additional births.


      • homedawg
        • Feb 2007
        • 7689

        Originally posted by V3r1f13d
        I wish I had solid stats on abortions...see if those increased as well. Or was there a decrease, thus causing the additional births.

        Number of Abortions Performed in the United States

        1973 744,600
        1974 898,600
        1975 1,034,200
        1976 1,179,300
        1977 1,316,700
        1978 1,409,600
        1979 1,497,700
        1980 1,553,900
        1981 1,577,300
        1982 1,573,900
        1983 1,575,000
        1984 1,577,200
        1985 1,588,600
        1986 1,574,000
        1987 1,559,100
        1988 1,590,800
        1989 1,566,900
        1990 1,608,600
        1991 1,556,500
        1992 1,528,900
        1993 1,500,000
        1994 1,431,000
        1995 1,363,690
        1996 1,365,730
        1997 1,365,730
        1998 1,365,730
        1999 1,365,730
        2000 1,312,990
        2001 1,303,000
        2002 1,293,000
        2003 1,293,000
        2004 1,293,000


        • homedawg
          • Feb 2007
          • 7689

          World Birth/Death Rates (2008 est.)1

          Birth Rate:........................... Death Rate:
          20 births/1,000 population 8 deaths/1,000 population
          128.9 million births per year 53.4 million people die each year
          353,015 births per day 146,357 people die each day
          14,709 births each hour 6098 people die each hour
          245 births each minute 102 people die each minute
          4 births each second of every day almost 2 people die each second


          • homedawg
            • Feb 2007
            • 7689

            I found 2.3+ million more people not part of that record!
            __________________________________________________ _
            More than one in 100 adults in the United States is in jail or prison

            an all-time high that is costing state governments nearly $50 billion a year and the federal government $5 billion more.

            With more than 2.3 million people behind bars, the United States leads the world in both the number and percentage of residents it incarcerates, leaving far-more-populous China a distant second, according to a study by the nonpartisan Pew Center on the States.

            The growth in prison population is largely because of tougher state and federal sentencing imposed since the mid-1980s. Minorities have been particularly affected: One in nine black men ages 20 to 34 is behind bars. For black women ages 35 to 39, the figure is one in 100, compared with one in 355 for white women in the same age group.

