Girl About To Dump Me Due To Sports

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  • yomonte
    • Feb 2007
    • 3563

    Originally posted by Larry
    Like and love are 2 different things. As far as fights like this, **** there will always be another one.

    And she will be bitching then too. I get to watch NFL and Nascar if its on and the TV is hers the rest of the time. Move the bitch in and get two TV's. You'll still be together just not up each others ass 24-7. Try meeting girls at a sports bar. At 25, you'll go thru more girls till ya settle in. She seems controlling to me.
    If its fun, do it


    • Fish2006
      • Feb 2007
      • 253

      Originally posted by V3r1f13d
      Whats up everyone, this is really the only outlet I have and can get feedback from people who understand or have possibily been in the same situation.

      The last couple girls I have been with have accepted that I like to spend my weekend nights watching sports if possible, and then I see them after. I'll skip a small game, but won't miss big games of importance, and I won't miss any fights, period.

      So this new girl Im with I actually like (didn't really like the last couple, but whatever) and she is pretty fed up with my showing up "after the game". Has anyone been in this situation, or can someone shed some light as to what to do? Was it worth it (whatever you did)? I know it sounds gay posting on an Internet forum about it but I don't really have anywhere else to turn, plus Im sure some people can relate here. I'm only 25 so it's not like Im pressed for time, but I really do like this chick.

      There is a huge fight this weekend, and she made it pretty clear that this is my last chance. She took it as "he rather watch the fight than spend time with me", ha, which is true. Girls come and go, but fights like this are once in a lifetime. I just dont want to be 50+, single, over weight, and still "watching the fight"...damn, she put me in a bad position.

      Dude, just wait til your 30s. The older you get, the more attractive to women you become, and ironically, the less you care. Seriously, just be glad you aren't married to her, and the only thing at risk right now is some disappointment and the fact that you will have to look for a new source of poon soon. It could be worse! Much worse!

      You know how long it takes to get over a woman? Exactly as long as it takes to get laid by another one after she "dumps you for watching sports".

      I guess my advice is to just get another one :beerbang:. I know, easier said than done... but trust me - as Chris Rock says... life is LONG, especially if you are with the wrong woman!
      可你住在有趣的时代 - May you live in interesting times.

      Visit wagertracker and participate in free contests and track your picks.


      • akatdrake
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2007
        • 6065

        I'll add my two cents here too. I just got out of a relationship right before football season started - and given the amount of time that I spend on the couch with laptop in hand betting games, I am glad I don't have a significant other. Also, going to Vegas here in February will be key. What happens...

        Anyway, good luck bro. I know where you're coming at that's for sure. However, I've made it a point whenever I have gotten into a little relationship to let them know that I am probably more attracted to sports than them. :p Maybe it's why it doesn't last long.

        Oh well, I'm only 24, so we'll be okay.

        GL bud.
        NFL 17: 45-47-2 // 48.91% // -10.12
        MMA: 247-332-2 // 42.66% // -6.04
        MLB 17: 151-140-8 // 51.89% // +5.65 ROR // +42.13
        NCAAF 17: 63-49-2 // 56.25% // +6.80
        Updated on 01/13/18
        One of my 2018 resolutions: no more action gambling.


        • shorts
          • Feb 2007
          • 649


          Ya know bud seems like this one is going to mind fck ya! Me and the wifey have been together for over 17 years and the only thing about sports she ever complained about is when I was booking it I spent way too many hours taking in phone calls. Missed some functions because of it. She doesn't bitch a bit about me gambling on the sporting events and she even cooks for the big ones I have at the house with my buds over drinking and watching. I also know when I've been pushing it so I'll skip a Friday night game and rent some movies and snuggle up with her! Little give and take goes a long way! To make a short story long....there are some good ones out there that will understand...hell my wife
          couldn't give a **** about football but every now and then she'll even sit down with a cold strohs and watch a little of the game with me!!
          From one beer lover to another! Strohs Beer!

          Lost all control of my record!! It's a new year Let's see if I can do better! :drunk:


          • Shamrock
            • Mar 2007
            • 612

            The year the Sixers went to the championship, i literally watched every second of all 82 games. I had been going out with this girl for 3 years or so, and if the game was a night game, which was often, i would up with her and friends after. She never complained once. She also understands that I will never miss an Eagles game. EVER. I havent missed a Birds game since I was 12. She complies with this rule as well. I bought this girl a ring........

            My point is you gotta find the one that give you what you like, but you also have to back that up with showing her you'll make sacrifices to her.

            CFB: 25-28-1 (+3)

            NFL: 14-12 (+7.75)

            CBB: 07-08: 54-43(+11.25) RD 3-1


            • Underdog88
              I drink your milkshake!!!
              • Mar 2007
              • 13981

              Seems to me that you two just aren't on the same page. Instead of just saying "I'll skip the fight & spend time with you" you should just sit her down & tell her that sports is part of who you are, & that if she wants to be with you, she's going to have to accept it. Girls are crazy, she doesn't want you to skip the fight to be with her, she wants you to want to spend time with her so bad that you would skip the fight, ya dig?

              In the first couple years I was with my fiancee, she gave me a bit of trouble over the whole gambling scenario. She never had a problem with me watching sports, as her brother & I grew up watching every sport together, so she is used to it. That's football all day Sunday, Saturday & every Sabres/Yankees game. She's fine with that, & enjoys going with me to Sabres games & to ballgames up in Toronto (no Bills games, too cold & she's not allowed LoL). However, when I started wagering she would always ask me if I was winning. If I was up say $600 one day, then lost $200 the next, she would be like why didn't you just stop if you were up. She just didn't get the whole gambling thing. It got a little annoying for a while, but eventually I just decided that it was better if she didn't ask me about it, & I didn't talk to her about it. Now she's fine with it, never asks me anything, & I always find the time to spend with her... not because I have to, but because I want to. I get the living room when my games are on, if there's something she really wants to watch, the tv is in the bedroom. Usually she TiVos whatever the hell it is she watches- really bad reality tv :puke:
              Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends...


              • joepa66
                MOD Squad
                • Mar 2007
                • 25000

                Where the heck is our resident matchmaker, lovemaker, male version of Ann Landers when ya need him? Used to have his own forum in here. Anybody seen

                BIG PIMPIN?
                Batman: "If you can't spend it, money's just a lot of worthless paper, isn't it?" :phew:


                • USFMD82
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 511

                  Then the UDWF system which is what, 5-0 since I started tracking and 3-0 for me since I played

                  Whats the UDWF system your referring to and where is the group at that you were discussing? I did some googling but couldn't find much outside of "Give me your money and Ill tell you who will win"
                  Last Wager placed 01/11/09 - Loss
                  Taking a sabbatical from wagering


                  • AddictedToBetting
                    Rockets Rowdy Rowdy Reds!
                    • Feb 2007
                    • 875

                    My advice...

                    If this girl is important to you, skip this fight. Take her out on a nice dinner Saturday night to make up for your time loss with her. Why don't you go get TiVo or do some old school TV recording. Sometimes, you gotta sacrifice something you love for the better good.
                    Rowdy Rowdy Red!!!


                    • rjp
                      Gimme the points, please
                      • Mar 2007
                      • 952

                      It's all about your priorities.

                      The best motiviational / priority setting works I've read typically provide something like this:

                      When you're on your death bed, what will you have wish you'd done more of? Watch the fight, or hang with your girl?

                      There isn't a right answer here, as it is up to you, but I know which one I would choose.


                      • JohnnyMapleLeaf
                        • Feb 2007
                        • 8456

                        Originally posted by AddictedToBetting
                        My advice...

                        If this girl is important to you, skip this fight. Take her out on a nice dinner Saturday night to make up for your time loss with her. Why don't you go get TiVo or do some old school TV recording. Sometimes, you gotta sacrifice something you love for the better good.
                        I agree.
                        It's just a fight, dude...

                        I'm lucky to have a wife who doesn't care how much sports I long as she gets to watch her 4 or 5 shows a week. She's a big her, my dog and I will sit around...I'll watch the game, she'll read or watch her odd show, and we're happy as clams. I also spend time with her on the weekends and take her out somewhere every weekend, to keep everything happy...then watch sports when we are at home.

                        You just need a balance...oh, and bang the hell out of her a couple times a week too! lol :beerbang:


                        • DevilsAdvokt
                          • Jul 2007
                          • 268

                          Damn sucks man i have been dealing with this for last 5 years... been through 2 girls in this last year alone because of it... im 23 years old so i am around your level of thinking when it comes to this issue. to tell you my opinion on this girl man, take her aside tell her that this is what you like to do and (if you like her alot) invite her to watch the game with you. see everyone has an outlet/hobbies in there life whether it be reading, fishing, sports, etc... and you need that. there are so many women in the world i think its better to let her go if she cant let you have your time with your outlet. last 2 girls i was with didnt like this "gambling thing" but you know what the girl before that didnt care or didnt ask and if i needed time she gave it to me. there is someone out there for you who will let you live your life the way you want. someone above gave me a good idea to help me out which is the have a hd tv in the bedroom with tivo so the female can watch her shows... than ill let her have the living room the rest of the week... right now though i am not gonna get mixed up with a girl who ask to many questions about why i do what i do. just gonna let the one come who will watch a game with me, i am the type of guy who will take a girl out to an opera if she liked if she sat through a football game with me.

                          dude for you man let it go, if she comes back than maybe it was meant to be if she doesnt come back than obviously she wasnt that into you... its hard for a while but surround your self with some good friends...


                          good luck bro expect the worst hope for the best:thumbs:


                          • Queen
                            • Mar 2007
                            • 1956

                            Originally posted by joepa66
                            Where the heck is our resident matchmaker, lovemaker, male version of Ann Landers when ya need him? Used to have his own forum in here. Anybody seen
                            BIG PIMPIN?

                            He would say he would tell her to shut her mouth and go get him another FN beer Biatch
                            NFL 2-0. Week 1
                            Nfl 2-2week 2


                            • Queen
                              • Mar 2007
                              • 1956

                              I never have figured out what the heck is the big deal about watching football or any other sporting event. What the heck fire would she rather you be down at the local strip bar?

                              Here is the problem. You did not invite her over to watch football with ya.

                              So then again what would of ya done if she would have said: You watching football? You said yes. If I would have been her I would have said. Darn shame, when you could be over here screwing my brains out.

                              Now tell me you would not have turned off the TV and caught ESPN later.
                              NFL 2-0. Week 1
                              Nfl 2-2week 2


                              • Silver & Black
                                Selig = IDIOT!!
                                • Feb 2007
                                • 884

                                Been Married for 25 years... If the Girl "makes" you make a choice, then she's gone. Next thing you know your dog will be history and your Mike Tyson lifesize "Fathead" will be ripped off the living room wall. Compromise is what's it's all about. From Sept to Feb I'll watch every football game. From Feb through March (other than March Madness) there are no "real" sporting events on, and Baseball is so saturated if you miss a few nights, chances are you really haven't missed anything. Tivo / DVR is my suggestion for Boxing anyway. Good Luck
                                "A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives" Jackie Robinson

