Where to get an accurate number on where the PUBLIC is betting?

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  • Manute Bol
    • Mar 2007
    • 29

    Where to get an accurate number on where the PUBLIC is betting?

    I have been using covers.com but they get there consensus details from wagerline.com. I dont think that wagerline.com accuratley portrays where the public is betting because the users of wagerline are probably more informed then the general public.

    Is there a site where you can get true public numbers from Vegas? If not, there should be....
    YTD NCAABB Posted Record: 14-11

    -You can get a good player every year in Africa. Nobody can beat the Africans. Nobody.
  • Kevin
    Red Hot and Rollin'
    • Feb 2007
    • 11875

    A great and accurate number can be found <a href="http://affiliates.sportsbook.com/clickThru?imageUri=sportsbook/textlink&affiliateId=941334&target=http://www.sportsbook.com/sportsbook/betting-trends.php">here</a>.

    I check that every day as well as the other regular places most know about.


    • Stifler's Mom
      • Feb 2007
      • 8541

      Sports Insights is the only place you will ever need.

      You can get anything you want there that is betting related....

      Public percentages (an average or by sportsbook), line moves, injury reports, weather reports, etc etc...

      Seriously...i am not sure why people take so much time screwing around with places like wagerline and stupid worthless places like that and looking all over the net for things.

      But that's just me, i like to keep it as simple as possible.


      • RahStahMan
        PhD in ThC
        • Feb 2007
        • 9235

        Originally posted by Kevin
        A great and accurate number can be found <a href="http://affiliates.sportsbook.com/clickThru?imageUri=sportsbook/textlink&affiliateId=941334&target=http://www.sportsbook.com/sportsbook/betting-trends.php">here</a>.
        Betting Trends Explained: "Side" is the percentage of money bet on the point spread of the game. "Money" is the amount bet on the money line of the game. "Total" is percentage on the over/under; the upper number being the percentage on the over and the lower, the under. All percentages are calculated in real time. [sportsbook.com]

        The percentages at sportsbook reflect the amount of CASH on a certain side and NOT the number of plays made on a side.
        Wagerline counts how many plays are on a game. In a sample of 100 people/wagers if 70 people play on team A theres a 70% - 30% ratio.
        Sportsbook counts the amount of money on a game. In that same example of 100 if 70 people are on team A for a total of $500 and the 30 people on team B also total $500 then the ratio is 50% - 50%.
        Depending on how you plan to factor in those figures I find that to be an important difference. (If youre looking to strictly fade the public then wagerline is better suited for that info. but ,unlike sportsbook ,identifying steam moves is not an option on wagerline.)
        I've also heard nothing but good things about SportsInsights but because they are a pay service I have no experience with them.
        Good luck and if you find another source in your efforts please share it with us
        ...toke on...


        • Stifler's Mom
          • Feb 2007
          • 8541

          I don't know for sure what <a href="http://affiliates.commissionaccount.com/processing/clickthrgh.asp?btag=a_4086b_115">Sportsbook.com</a> displays, but I find it VERY hard to believe they release information as sensitive as the actual amount of money bet on each side, or even the % of it....someone like myself who watches lines and percentages could KILL them if i knew how much money was on each side, AND the approx percentage of bets on each side, which can easily be obtained thru other sources....and there are alot of people who bet like I do.

          Identifying sharp money plays would be as easy as picking out the green apples in a bunch of red ones if they released that, and everyone would catch on kill them. They might as well send out emails and tell us who the wiseguys, sharps and syndicates are on each day, LOL

          Anyway, Sports Insights is definitely all percentage of plays on each side....that I do know for sure
          Last edited by Kevin; 03-23-2007, 02:07 PM.


          • Billy Barooooooo
            • Feb 2007
            • 1045

            Well I will tell you this about SI the past week they have sucked releasing information! Yesterday it didnt even move after the first game! Today the games are at half time and still moving!

            Maybe its because its free but I'm getting a little pissed off about it!

            "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."


            • Stifler's Mom
              • Feb 2007
              • 8541

              Well the free membership is on like a 25 minute delay....i have the premium and mine was fine until later in the day. NBA wasn't updating later on, but the NCAA was fine.

              They also made an announcement that they were upgrading their servers or something, so maybe that had something to do with it??


              • RahStahMan
                PhD in ThC
                • Feb 2007
                • 9235

                Originally posted by Stifler's Mom
                I don't know for sure what Sportsbook.com displays, but I find it VERY hard to believe they release information as sensitive as the actual amount of money bet on each side, or even the % of it....someone like myself who watches lines and percentages could KILL them if i knew how much money was on each side, AND the approx percentage of bets on each side, which can easily be obtained thru other sources....and there are alot of people who bet like I do.

                Identifying sharp money plays would be as easy as picking out the green apples in a bunch of red ones if they released that, and everyone would catch on kill them. They might as well send out emails and tell us who the wiseguys, sharps and syndicates are on each day, LOL

                Anyway, Sports Insights is definitely all percentage of plays on each side....that I do know for sure
                Believe it.
                It looks like youre about to make a killing then, stiffy.
                That is why I go out of my way to point this out.

                excerpt from a covers article:
                ""Consider Sportsbook.com. On its website, the book has odds pages which actually display the amount of action it's getting on games. In other words, you can see how much action the book is taking on both sides of a pointspread, moneyline or over/under.

                The entire article from covers (two seasons ago) for your reading pleasure:

                Books aren't all about balance
                Reed Holmes

                Recently I had an email debate with an angry reader who said I did not understand "the science of oddsmaking", as he called it.

                He said I was wrong for suggesting oddsmakers care about who wins or loses games.

                "Oddsmakers only care about splitting the betting public 50/50 on both sides of the line and keeping the commission (a.k.a. juice)," he wrote.

                He might have been right about not understanding "the science of oddsmaking". After all, I'm not an oddsmaker. That said, I stick to my assertion that oddsmakers (a.k.a. sportbooks) often do care about who wins games.

                Granted, as a general rule, sportsbooks try to balance their action so that they're not exposed to big losses. However, there are times when this is difficult to pull off, regardless of how much a line has moved. There are also times when that general rule is ignored and a book pursues risk.

                Generally speaking, it's safe to say the books in Vegas are risk-adverse. Unlike in the past when the wise guys ruled the town, Vegas is now corporate and the goal of most casinos is to make as much money as possible with as little risk as possible.

                Thus, Vegas bookmakers try everything in their power to balance the action. They're satisfied simply collecting the juice. But these profits are small, especially compared to the take from other casino games, namely slot machines.

                Because the profits at Vegas sportsbooks are so small, you could argue that many casinos operate sportsbooks simply as a novelty to keep the tourists happy.

                With a growing aversion to risk, it should come as no surprise that Vegas bookmakers have been panicking this NFL season.

                Despite huge pointspreads, a disproportionate percentage of bettors are still laying their money on favorites like the Eagles, Colts, Pats and Vikings rather than the dogs (a common trend for the largely recreational bettors that visit Vegas).

                And much to the dismay of the books, those favorites are finding ways to cover the thick chalk. In fact, prior to Week 7, the four teams listed above are a combined 16-2-2 (88 percent) against the spread. (The tables turned dramatically in Week 7, but more on that later.)

                The result has been an early-season beating for the books, and a bonanza for bettors.

                While Vegas increasingly hates risk, it's no longer a major player in the sports betting world. Most of the betting action now takes place offshore where sportsbooks are not as obsessed about balance. In fact, some books encourage exposure to risk because the rewards can be so much bigger.

                Consider Sportsbook.com. On its website, the book has odds pages which actually display the amount of action it's getting on games. In other words, you can see how much action the book is taking on both sides of a pointspread, moneyline or over/under.

                One look at these numbers and it's obvious Sportsbook.com does not balance every game. In fact, far from it.

                Take last weekend's matchup between St. Louis and Miami. By game time on Sunday, 83 percent of the betting action at Sportsbook.com was on the Rams; only 17 percent was on Miami.

                What's interesting is that Sportsbook.com opened the pointspread with Miami at +6 1/2. By game time, the spread had lowered to +5.

                That goes contrary to the balancing theory. If Sportsbook.com had wanted to balance the action, it would have given Miami more points; instead, it took away 1 1/2.

                Sportsbook.com exposed itself to even more to risk, and rolled the dice on the underdog Dolphins. Why? I contacted a representative with the book to find out. His answer was simple.

                "The line moved early based on 'smart money' from sharp players," said Jeff Gilroy, a spokesperson for the book. "We also knew from early in the week that we would need Miami, therefore (we dropped) the spread to encourage Rams money.

                "At the end of the day, we liked the home team."

                So the conclusion is this: Sportsbook.com respected the sharp action, and gambled that the sharp bettors had a better take on the game than the recreational bettors, who were hammering the visiting Rams.

                In the end, the gamble paid off. Miami, desperate for a win in front of its home fans, pounded the overrated Rams, who are terrible on the road and even worse on grass. Final score: 31-14 Fish.

                Sportsbook.com was also heavily exposed on numerous favorites in Week 7, including Philadelphia, Seattle and Denver. All three failed to cover.

                The fact that sportsbooks are exposed to risk on certain games is really nothing new. The fact, that Sportsbook.com is willing to show the public where it's exposed is intriguing.

                Armed with this type of information, bettors can make more educated wagers. They can get an idea where the sharp money is going and conversely where the public money is headed.

                <a href="http://affiliates.commissionaccount.com/processing/clickthrgh.asp?btag=a_4086b_115">Sportsbook.com</a> is opening up its cashbox, letting bettors look inside and challenging them to take their best shot at grabbing the cash.

                Kudos to them

                <b>Link added by admin</b>
                Last edited by Kevin; 03-23-2007, 02:08 PM.
                ...toke on...


                • beermantm
                  Mad Man!!!!
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 213

                  Sorry that article is incorrect. In my opinion Stiff is more on the money even if he is slightly off in the understanding of it all.(not saying he is or isn't but it's easy to misunderstand) There is no place on the internet or in the world where a sports book will let people know the amount of money being placed on each side of a wager. They will tell you how many people placed bets on each side expressed in a percentage like on Sportsbook.com or SportsInsights. I will not get real deep into this because when I write stuff in forums it just falls off the forum and gets purged but you could have 100 bettors and 99% of them on one side and 1% of them on the other side and the money could still be balanced. If someone were to give the actual dollar amounts flowing in on a game and the percentages then the books would start to suffer from people like Stiff hunting down the smart money plays. There are a number of checks and balances that books take to safeguard themselves from uneven action however they are not always looking to split action evenly either because they take action on every game on the ticket and a lot of the games probably will not balance per game but ultimately the book will take enough uneven games and stand to win at least 50% of the uneven action games plus their built in advantage. The reason they can do this is simply because they have a bankroll that is basically limitless and can stand any downswing which will be very short lived since the deviation shrinks with the the more games you take.

                  The other aspect to look at is what people ignore so much of the time and something I always preached..........understanding Vig or Juice. The higher your winning percentage the more Vig you pay. When you Win half your games you pay 4.55% Vig (Makes you a losing bettor) but when you Win 100% of your games you pay 9.09%. When the house has to pay out on big bets they do not pay out as much as they stand to win. The more you win as a gambler (percentage wise) the more they ultimately take from your winning efforts. I'm going to deep into this already but lets just say I only agree with some of what that article says and by far the way they present it is well off the mark.

                  I'm guessing this is Stiffs point.
                  I have 3 rules:

                  1) Never get less than 12 hours sleep
                  2) Never play poker against a guy that has the same name as a city.
                  3) Never date chicks that have tattoos of daggers.


                  • RahStahMan
                    PhD in ThC
                    • Feb 2007
                    • 9235

                    All I can say is please dont shoot the messenger.This is not my speculation or opinion.
                    It is what sportsbook has said. When they began promoting their "trends" (thats the term they use) page it was in bold text at the top of the page explaining and specifing that they show the amount of money NOT the amount of plays on a side. Now that message appears at the bottom of the page in italicized text. (guess its not news anymore being well over 2 years later.)
                    I understand fully what youre saying ,beer , and found it hard to believe as well but wether you believe them or not its what they promote.
                    Since I like to see what the public is favoring I have always compared the ratios (percentages) between sporstbook and wagerline and quite often theyre much further apart than one would think they should be.
                    Comparing the opening line to the daygame line to the time of kickoff/tipoff can look like an EKG reading at sportsbook- up,down,up,down, while the ratio at wagerline is almost unchanging.
                    If you do the comparison too I believe you will see this. I say that because I do this myself. (check out the attachment. Its from an excel file i kept of week 8. The first white column under a date is the spread, the following column is the total. The very next column (dark grey) is the % for the side and the second dark grey column is the % for the total. Not proof of anything more than I practice what I preach)
                    I cant count how many times I've seen a fave thats getting pounded by the public all of a sudden go from 7.5 to 6.5 (for example) before kickoff all while the percentage (public fave) has increased from 70% to 75%. Thats when I make a play on that side against the public and more often than not cash.
                    I hope no one takes offense to this but i give a covers staff writer much more credence than a poster on a capping board, which is why I provided the article backing what i said. I knew about the "amount of money" as opposed to the "amount of plays" long before i read that article which is why I'm glad i saw it or you all would be really giving me the business.
                    I have a strong pet peeve about the spreading of disinformation which is why I try to relay facts more so than my take on anything else. I am in no way trying to convince people to do anything more than use the info as they want.
                    I guess its like anything else. People believe what they want to. This is why I always suggest researching info for yourself rather than taking things at face value. Before anyone decides sportsbook is false advertising a service theyve been proud to promote shoot them an email and challenge them by asking if what they say is true (or even better use the Live Chat option and have your questions answered live immediately, my favorite option of the two). I would also have to believe there to be more articles on this as well to help better form an opinion.
                    Just my 2 cents and nothing more.

                    attaching an excel file is not allowed so i made a screenshot and reposted
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by RahStahMan; 03-13-2007, 01:55 AM.
                    ...toke on...


                    • RahStahMan
                      PhD in ThC
                      • Feb 2007
                      • 9235

                      haha, hey beer, i came back to see if there was a reply and I noticed that in your sig is one of my favorite tunes (actually a favorite band of mine so I appreciate all their work). Just wanted to say "Thanks" for a reason to switch off the lights and enjoy a late night session. Very cool.
                      <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v465/CoachGibbs/Smilies-GIFs/smilie-hippy.gif" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

                      the Song Remains the Same was on the other night. nice

                      didnt see the scroll and just discovered Pigs.
                      Excuse me while I kiss the sky
                      Last edited by RahStahMan; 03-13-2007, 03:28 AM.
                      ...toke on...


                      • beermantm
                        Mad Man!!!!
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 213

                        Email sent I'll wait for a reply.

                        I had a question about your betting trends page. It is important to know the difference between the actual amount of money being bet on each side of a wager and not just that a higher or lower percentage of the public is betting on one side of a wager as opposed to the other side. The question is simply is the betting trends page updating the actual amount of money being wagered or the amount of bets being taken on each side of the game?
                        For example:
                        If 99 people placed 1 dollar on one side of a game (we'll say side A) and 1 person placed one 99 dollar wager on side B would the percentages show 99% on side A and 1% on side B or would the percentages read 50% on side A and 50% on side B?? The difference is enormous and I'm having a forum discussion on this information right now so I would like the best informed answer as possible.
                        I appreciate your time.
                        I have 3 rules:

                        1) Never get less than 12 hours sleep
                        2) Never play poker against a guy that has the same name as a city.
                        3) Never date chicks that have tattoos of daggers.


                        • beermantm
                          Mad Man!!!!
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 213

                          Originally posted by RahStahMan
                          haha, hey beer, i came back to see if there was a reply and I noticed that in your sig is one of my favorite tunes (actually a favorite band of mine so I appreciate all their work). Just wanted to say "Thanks" for a reason to switch off the lights and enjoy a late night session. Very cool.

                          the Song Remains the Same was on the other night. nice

                          didnt see the scroll and just discovered Pigs.
                          Excuse me while I kiss the sky
                          Yeah I have to get around to adding some more stuff. I can load that player up with a ton of songs.
                          I have 3 rules:

                          1) Never get less than 12 hours sleep
                          2) Never play poker against a guy that has the same name as a city.
                          3) Never date chicks that have tattoos of daggers.


                          • RahStahMan
                            PhD in ThC
                            • Feb 2007
                            • 9235

                            Originally posted by beermantm
                            ... It is important to know the difference between the actual amount of money being bet on each side of a wager and not just that a higher or lower percentage of the public is betting on one side of a wager as opposed to the other side....
                            exactly why i have emphasized that sportsbook relays the amount of cash on a side.
                            so to answer your question, the way i understand it it would show 50-50.

                            damn, are you adding tunes now? Pigs just cut-off. buzzkill.
                            ...toke on...


                            • beermantm
                              Mad Man!!!!
                              • Mar 2007
                              • 213

                              Originally posted by RahStahMan
                              exactly why i have emphasized that sportsbook relays the amount of cash on a side.
                              so to answer your question, the way i understand it it would show 50-50.

                              damn, are you adding tunes now? Pigs just cut-off. buzzkill.
                              Exactly, but I would have a hard time believing that is the case. The way you say they do it it should read 50-50 and the way I say they do it it would say 99-1. So we'll see who wins the crown when the email comes back....... that is if I can get a competent answer out of the customer service.

                              No, I'm not adding music but I need to. I have to do a lot of stuff. I should just pay someone for the stuff I need done but I really love to struggle and never admit I need help.:nuts:
                              I have 3 rules:

                              1) Never get less than 12 hours sleep
                              2) Never play poker against a guy that has the same name as a city.
                              3) Never date chicks that have tattoos of daggers.

