Good job bud, just lost 2 out of your first 3 at Notre Dame. How short a tenure is this guy gonna have?
LMAO @ Brian Kelly
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From what I hear his recruiting hasn't exactly been tearing up the college landscape. I don't see how losing 2/3 to start a season is going to improve that.Comment
My golly ... seriously?
All of three games in and you're ready to run him out of town?
1. When will you ND people realize that Irish football WILL NEVER get back to the national level they once were? Won't happen. Today's recruits give two ****s about the Golden Dome, Touchdown Jesus or any of the other ND traditions you guys think just automatically scoops up the 5-star prospects. Literally the only recruiting edge the Irish HAD (yes, HAD) was their deal with NBC. Now the SEC and Big Ten have their own networks, christ, the MAC is on ESPN every Thursday. Big whoop.
2. Academically the school is too tough for most of the hoodlums that the Oregon's, Florida's and Oklahoma's of the world welcome into school with open arms (and plenty of bail money). I guess it may be that 10-page essay they REQUIRE incoming freshman to write for admission to ND ... kind of scares dudes away sometimes. Especially when the kids at USC get SUV's and $10,000 of pocket money.
3. If (and when) you run Kelly out of town ... WHO ARE YOU GONNA GET? Nobody wants the job, too lofty of expectations, no automatic conference bid, snooty boosters who give you three games with a rookie QB and when you don't win are ready to run you up the flagpole for the next gimmicky head coach up the pike ...
You ND boys crack me up.Comment
I think Kelly should be at least commended for the magic act he pulled off last year going undefeated in the regular season at Cincinnati with what probably amounted closer to 7-5 talent, all be it mostly over mediocre to cupcake opposition....Comment
I don't know the last new coach that started off 3-0, 2-0. The guy just got there. Coach's should be judged by their season. To early to tell IMO. Even if the guy has a sub .500 year he'll still be back. Kelly....Irish.......Notre Dame........C'mon man!!! He'll be fine.NCAAF '12: 11-16-0, -7.90 units.
O/U:4-2, +1.80 units.
Rothstein's leans:
Double Digit Home Dogs:9-7-1, +1.30 units.
NCAAB Tourney '12: 18-22-0, -2.50 units.
O/U: 7-8, -1.70 units.
NCAAB '11-'12: 128-123-0, -10.80 units.
O/U: 46-38, +2.80 units.
Rothstein's "leans":
Double Digit Home Dogs: 36-20-3, +13.10 units.Comment
My golly ... seriously?
All of three games in and you're ready to run him out of town?
1. When will you ND people realize that Irish football WILL NEVER get back to the national level they once were? Won't happen. Today's recruits give two ****s about the Golden Dome, Touchdown Jesus or any of the other ND traditions you guys think just automatically scoops up the 5-star prospects. Literally the only recruiting edge the Irish HAD (yes, HAD) was their deal with NBC. Now the SEC and Big Ten have their own networks, christ, the MAC is on ESPN every Thursday. Big whoop.
2. Academically the school is too tough for most of the hoodlums that the Oregon's, Florida's and Oklahoma's of the world welcome into school with open arms (and plenty of bail money). I guess it may be that 10-page essay they REQUIRE incoming freshman to write for admission to ND ... kind of scares dudes away sometimes. Especially when the kids at USC get SUV's and $10,000 of pocket money.
3. If (and when) you run Kelly out of town ... WHO ARE YOU GONNA GET? Nobody wants the job, too lofty of expectations, no automatic conference bid, snooty boosters who give you three games with a rookie QB and when you don't win are ready to run you up the flagpole for the next gimmicky head coach up the pike ...
You ND boys crack me up.
Interesting commentary.....pretty much agree with most of that. One thing I will say is that look @ Nostra Damus's opponent this week before we go too far about making excuses for admissions. Jim Harbaugh has flat out gotten it done @ Stanford which IMO is every bit and more difficult to get in to than Nostra Damus. I think to say Notre Dame can't win because of admissions is a cop out.....but i agree on not being able to get the gang rats that places like oregon, florida etc...get. But then again, look at Iowa. 54 guys off that roster i saw are from Iowa...most of them cornfed down home small town kids. And they have had a great run the last 10+ years. You need either (a) a team full of hood rats like florida/oregon/fsu etc...have OR (b) a great coach and COACHABLE 3 star type kids. That has been the recipe at places like Iowa, Stanford under harbaugh....I would argue that Notre Dame hasn't had a Saban, Tressel, Harbaugh type coach in 20 years.
BUT.....Notre Dame hasn't been relevant in the CFB landscape for almost 20 years now. Think about this, you're a 16 year old kid looking at probably start remembering CFB when you're 6 or 7 years old. For that kid, Notre Dame might as well be North Texas. Heck, the service academies were turning out heisman winners in the 50's and 60's.....glory days folks....those days are long gone. You think you're going into Compton and showing some kid black and white highlights of Doc Blanchard and the kids like, sign me up.....:laughing:......The recruiting landscape has been evened out more than ever and we live in the days of "what can you do for me" snoop homie the homie bling master blinger 5 star guy gonna have a press conference with my 9 hats on the table and fake picking up a couple and then the real one.
The game has changed immensely and more than once since Nostra Damus's hay day back in the 60's and 70's. TV has basically changed everything and as Badger pointed out, EVERYONE is freeking on TV EVERY FREEKING WEEK...honestly it gets old. I mean SMU has been on TV every week so far.....SM freeking U....the school that died 20 years ago football wise.
But Brian Kelly has been a winner everywhere so far and to laugh @ him after 3 games is as Badger pointed out...typical notre dame disillusioned fan. The sell, though, is hard @ ND right now. And honestly, the sell is going to be to good quality kids who value a ND education and a quality school and a chance to play for a quality coach. Very do-able......but To go get homie compton guy and tell him all about Notre Dame when he can go suit up with gang rats at USC or Oregon or Florida and have plenty of people to go shoplifting and steal dorm rats' stereos etc.....good luck. Not happening.
In some ways, though, on a side commentary I long for the days of Doc Blanchard, Roger Staubach, Notre Dame being relevant and the fact that College Football USED to be a game about rivalries, Saturdays in the fall, the sugar bowl, the rose it's nothing more than a giant Cash grab......:ohman:Last edited by FlyersFan; 09-20-2010, 05:26 PM.I am the M'bah a'Flyers Fan !Comment
Saban didn't exactly light it up at Bama his first year either, so I wouldn't base Kelly's tenure on his first three games at ND.Comment
spot on point....:thumbs:
Interesting commentary.....pretty much agree with most of that. One thing I will say is that look @ Nostra Damus's opponent this week before we go too far about making excuses for admissions. Jim Harbaugh has flat out gotten it done @ Stanford which IMO is every bit and more difficult to get in to than Nostra Damus. I think to say Notre Dame can't win because of admissions is a cop out.....but i agree on not being able to get the gang rats that places like oregon, florida etc...get. But then again, look at Iowa. 54 guys off that roster i saw are from Iowa...most of them cornfed down home small town kids. And they have had a great run the last 10+ years. You need either (a) a team full of hood rats like florida/oregon/fsu etc...have OR (b) a great coach and COACHABLE 3 star type kids. That has been the recipe at places like Iowa, Stanford under harbaugh....I would argue that Notre Dame hasn't had a Saban, Tressel, Harbaugh type coach in 20 years.
BUT.....Notre Dame hasn't been relevant in the CFB landscape for almost 20 years now. Think about this, you're a 16 year old kid looking at probably start remembering CFB when you're 6 or 7 years old. For that kid, Notre Dame might as well be North Texas. Heck, the service academies were turning out heisman winners in the 50's and 60's.....glory days folks....those days are long gone. You think you're going into Compton and showing some kid black and white highlights of Doc Blanchard and the kids like, sign me up.....:laughing:......The recruiting landscape has been evened out more than ever and we live in the days of "what can you do for me" snoop homie the homie bling master blinger 5 star guy gonna have a press conference with my 9 hats on the table and fake picking up a couple and then the real one.
The game has changed immensely and more than once since Nostra Damus's hay day back in the 60's and 70's. TV has basically changed everything and as Badger pointed out, EVERYONE is freeking on TV EVERY FREEKING WEEK...honestly it gets old. I mean SMU has been on TV every week so far.....SM freeking U....the school that died 20 years ago football wise.
But Brian Kelly has been a winner everywhere so far and to laugh @ him after 3 games is as Badger pointed out...typical notre dame disillusioned fan. The sell, though, is hard @ ND right now. And honestly, the sell is going to be to good quality kids who value a ND education and a quality school and a chance to play for a quality coach. Very do-able......but To go get homie compton guy and tell him all about Notre Dame when he can go suit up with gang rats at USC or Oregon or Florida and have plenty of people to go shoplifting and steal dorm rats' stereos etc.....good luck. Not happening.
In some ways, though, on a side commentary I long for the days of Doc Blanchard, Roger Staubach, Notre Dame being relevant and the fact that College Football USED to be a game about rivalries, Saturdays in the fall, the sugar bowl, the rose it's nothing more than a giant Cash grab......:ohman:Comment
Sucking in his first year works to his advantage. Willingham and Weis set themselves up as great coaches then blew. I have a feeling they are going to improve each year.... vs. what happened with the last three coaches.Go Boilers!
Thru 2/19
NCAAB 558-493-13 -7.28 units
2* 7-7
3* 105-81-4
4* 2-0
1H 206-197-4
2H 238-208-5Comment
Right because that's a great way to impress ND boosters by sucking your first year.Comment
PS.....ND sucked last yr in case you did not know.Go Boilers!
Thru 2/19
NCAAB 558-493-13 -7.28 units
2* 7-7
3* 105-81-4
4* 2-0
1H 206-197-4
2H 238-208-5Comment