To be announced by Thursday, September 2nd!
Week 1 Lines
Please check this thread for rules for entering this contest:
Here are the week 1 lines (please list games in the order they are posted)
Illinois +10.5
Missouri -10.5
Colorado -11.5
Colorado State +11.5
Northwestern -5.5
Vanderbilt +5.5
Purdue +11.5
Notre Dame -11.5
Connecticut +2.5
Michigan -2.5
Kentucky -3.5
Louisville +3.5
UCLA +1.5
Kansas State -1.5
Washington U +2.5
BYU -2.5
Oregon State +13.5
TCU -13.5
North Carolina +2.5
LSU -2.5
Tiebreaker - Total points scored in Purdue/Notre Dame game -
Missouri -10.5
Colorado State +11.5
Vanderbilt +5.5
Purdue +11.5
Connecticut +2.5
Louisville +3.5
Kansas State -1.5
Washington U +2.5
Oregon State +13.5
LSU -2.5
Tiebreaker (48)Comment
Illinois +10.5
Colorado State +11.5
Northwestern -5.5
Purdue +11.5
Michigan -2.5
Louisville +3.5
UCLA +1.5
BYU -2.5
Oregon State +13.5
LSU -2.5
Tiebreaker - 61MLB
Overall 43-43 +5.5 Units
Sides 19-22 -0.0 Units
Total 24-21 +5.5 Units
Overall 61-44 +47.1 Units
Sides 28-28 +4.0 Units
Totals 33-16 +43.1 UnitsComment