YTD 19-11 +6.90 units
Favorites: 2-4 -2.40
Underdogs: 13-6 +6.40
Overs: 0-1 -1.10
Unders: 3-0 +3.00
First Half Favorites: 0-0
First Half Underdogs: 0-0
Second Half Favorites: 0-0
Second Half Underdogs: 1-0 +1.00
Iowa +6.5 (winner)
Stanford +6.5 (lost by a freakin 1/2 point - ****!)
Michigan -2 (the blue looked like ****!)
Northern Illinois +16
Wisconsin +1
Purdue +13.5 (lost by a missed xp!)
North Texas +6.5
UCLA -17
Good luck to all!
Favorites: 2-4 -2.40
Underdogs: 13-6 +6.40
Overs: 0-1 -1.10
Unders: 3-0 +3.00
First Half Favorites: 0-0
First Half Underdogs: 0-0
Second Half Favorites: 0-0
Second Half Underdogs: 1-0 +1.00
Iowa +6.5 (winner)
Stanford +6.5 (lost by a freakin 1/2 point - ****!)
Michigan -2 (the blue looked like ****!)
Northern Illinois +16
Wisconsin +1
Purdue +13.5 (lost by a missed xp!)
North Texas +6.5
UCLA -17
Good luck to all!