Dunno if this was posted earlier, but apologies if it was.
anyways I'm sure a lot of you have heard about this, and well form your own opinions.
For my part, I try (keyword: try) to always look at both sides, but have to admit I have a hard time, a lot of times, bias and emotion play a part but for the most I try to see both point of views.
When I first heard McCain's desire to suspend the campaign due to the economic crisis, I had mixed feelings, (not that it matters lol) but the more I thought about it, the fishier it smelt to me and it wasnt the 5 day old tuna sandwich I was eating.
Of course its been mentioned, why isnt Palin continuing while he's busy rescuing billionaire maniacs who screwed up and are getting a handout?
On the whole I thought he could spin it to work in his favor: Country first, plenty of time for debate later, etc...
but he and/or his campaign staff are handling it wrong IMO, could have really grabbed some good attention with this, but instead is screwing it up.
aka Nixon-on-camera without makeup vs. Kennedy, aka Dukakis in a tank, etc... this will be known as McCain snubbing Letterman.
Shouldn't be a big deal as it happens all the time, but Letterman really drummed him, and on national TV, and the Katie Couric interview just topped and validated it.
So my point is, I am curious if anyone is gonna dare call Letterman un-American for doing this?
and don't give me the he's a Vietnam Vet tirabe, I am really tired of hearing it, it does not excuse you from all of life's sins for being a hero for 5 years while acting questionably the other 40. A free pass so to speak.
I am not afraid to say it, I am not Bill Clinton or David Letterman, there will be no P.R. backlash (I don't think so at least lol) if I dare insult the man.
And the thing is I dont even have that much a problem with him lol, I actually wanted to vote for him (if I was legally of age) back in 96 when he first ran. But this is not the man that ran back in 96, and I've never heard, "I was in the navy, I was a POW" from 96-2006 as much as I've heard it since January 2008.