with all due respect HD, for every reason you started this thread (to attack Obama and hold up McCain, even if you won't use the word attack and only a passive one like "reasons not to vote for Obama" or Osama as you put it lol), its the spirit of free press that you champion and encourage, no?
If Dan is jumping in with trivial shyt (and he is lol), calling your aggressive posts about Obama reasons and not trivial is just the pot calling the condom black... or something like that lol
anyways JMO.
and no disrespect, you've run a better campaign for McCain than he has (at least from my point of view) honestly.
If Dan is jumping in with trivial shyt (and he is lol), calling your aggressive posts about Obama reasons and not trivial is just the pot calling the condom black... or something like that lol
anyways JMO.
and no disrespect, you've run a better campaign for McCain than he has (at least from my point of view) honestly.