Cha +9 1 unit
NCAABB 2/25-3/2 ATS/Tot/1stH/2ndH
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how many more times is fking bill walker going to take a ****ty shot....i guess 0-16 isn't enough for him....might be nice if they got the ball to that beasley guy.....:dunno:.......always amazes me that you can have 3 straight possesions and not have him touch the ball....I am the M'bah a'Flyers Fan !Comment
speaking of beating someone, i get a call the other day that for 5 bucks extra a month Time Warner (my isp) will increase my connection speed. (They suck as a cable provider which is why i got direct tv last fall but as far as the internet goes i'm stuck with them) I say, "sure lets see.". Well since then my connection speed has DECREASED so much that i m literally waiting a minute or more for a page to load. Dont think thats slow? See how many web pages you can open in 60 secs and then compare it t my one page and you'll see what i mean.
Until this town goes wireless or there is a leap in satellite I will bcontiue to have to deal with TW's ineptness.
You gotta love a monopoly.
...toke on...Comment
2/25 2-3 -1.2 u.
WTD 2-3 -1.2
ATS 11-10-0 -1.10
O/U 1-2-0 -1.20
Dog 1-0-0 +1.20
ATS 10-10-0 +1.10
O/U 4-7-0 -3.40
ATS 74-75-8 -3.20
O/U 68-48-4 +11.80
2 team 4-2-0 +5.00
YTD 173-152-12 +10.20 units
VT -2 2ndH 1 unit...toke on...Comment
:beer2:...toke on...Comment