Dont know why ESPN was holding B-Hops nuts like that Cusefan??? But Im telling you, after seeing their post fight summary, I was kicking myself in the nuts for missing it! They made it seem to be the best fight since who knows.... after reading the forum opinions, I sure as hell dont know where ESPN was coming from. They sure as hell had an agenda in their reporting and that was to say how great the fight was and how Incredible B-Hop is!! Dont know?? but as a Hopkins fan, it was all good with me??
thanks for the lead, I know of other sites, but that is a welcomed addition for next time...I owe you yet another one buddy!!! LOL!!:beerbang:
thanks for the lead, I know of other sites, but that is a welcomed addition for next time...I owe you yet another one buddy!!! LOL!!:beerbang: